• Josh Pospy

    My CrossFit story started in March of 2013. I was looking to find something to do with my time after recently graduating from college. I joined a gym in Florence, Alabama. I fell in love with CrossFit from the time I started. I got in great shape and was so much stronger than when I…

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  • Greg D’Alessio

    Growing up nutrition, working out, and sports were always a big part of our lives. It had been a couple years since Misty and I had stepped foot in a traditional gym due to being burnt out with the routine when our good friend Barbara invited us to CFA. There was the initial anxiousness and…

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  • Caleb Halstead

    I began my membership at CrossFit Alabaster in March of 2013. I was seriously overweight, short of breath and had issues with flexibility and balance. My first baseline WOD required well over 12 minutes to complete and my legs would not support me when it was over. I completed my most recent baseline WOD in…

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  • Steven Davenport

    I officially began CrossFit in 2012. I have always been athletic and played baseball, football, and basketball growing up. After graduating from college, I stopped working out and noticed that it started taking a toll on my health. One New Years, I made a resolution to start working out again and stay with it throughout…

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  • Morgan Chatham

    Last May, my husband was looking for a new challenge. He was already running a 5k per month and wanted something more involved. The YMCA just wasn’t cutting it. So, he found CrossFit Alabaster and visited. He fell immediately in love. In June, the soccer coach at the high school encouraged my daughter’s team to…

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