• Why You Should Consider Group Classes

    Why You Should Consider Group Classes

    Our group classes are what makes our community so special at CrossFit Alabaster. They offer many benefits besides just getting a great workout in. Here is how you can make the most of our group classes at CFA: When you step into one of our group classes, you are not just joining a workout; you…

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  • Nutrition on the Weekend: Tips to Keep You Moving Towards Your Goals

    Nutrition on the Weekend: Tips to Keep You Moving Towards Your Goals

    We have all been there before. Monday through Friday your nutrition has been dialed in. Then Saturday and Sunday rolls around and you find yourself with not ideal eating habits. Staying commited to ideal eating patterns doesn’t mean you have to give up all of your favorite treats of social events. It is all about…

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  • What Should I Eat Before A Workout?

    If you want to perform and feel your best while working out, you have to be properly fueled before training. Before we break down the things to do, let’s talk about a few common mistakes we see.1. Wrong Foods2. Wrong Time3. Too little or too much Wrong Foods?-Heavy or dense foods (A burrito, a burger,…

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  • The Do’s and Don’ts of Muscle Soreness

    The Do’s and Don’ts of Muscle Soreness

    You completed a workout and it was challenging to say the least.Or you did new movements or movements you may have not done in a while. Or maybe you just began or are restarting your fitness journey. You wake up the next day or 2 days later and it hits you as soon as you…

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  • Does Lifting Weights Help You Lose Fat?

    Does Lifting Weights Help You Lose Fat?

    Many of us want to lose fat. Does lifting weights help with that? Absolutely! Lifting weights is a great way to burn fat, but here is something else to consider:Many people to lose fat so they look toned and their muscles are visible. That look usually requires fat loss as well a little muscle building.…

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  • How to Prioritize Exercise Even With A Busy Schedule

    How to Prioritize Exercise Even With A Busy Schedule

    Life has a way of feeling hectic most days. Especially during this time of the year. With work, family, and other commitments demanding our attention it can be hard to prioritize yourself. But with all this chaos, it is important to take care of your health and fitness. Many people use the excuse of being…

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  • Three Reasons You Should Consider Taking Creatine

    Three Reasons You Should Consider Taking Creatine

    Creatine is one of the most popular supplements among athletes, and for good reason. This naturally-occurring substance offers a range of benefits that can take your workouts and overall health to the next level. But you don’t have to be an “athlete” to take creatine. The normal gym-goer can take creatine and still get the same benefits. Here…

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  • Three Reasons Exercise Can Make Your Life Easier

    Three Reasons Exercise Can Make Your Life Easier

    You are busy and life likely feels like an repetitive cycle of chores and responsibilities. With all these competing priorities, who has time for exercise? What if I told you that a regular exercise routine can actually make your life easier? Because it can! Here are three ways an exercise routine can help you become…

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  • Three Tips to Stay On Track with Your Fitness this Summer

    Three Tips to Stay On Track with Your Fitness this Summer

    Sunshine, vacations, ball games, pool parties- summer is a fun time. But for most, it is also a very busy time. This can lead to a dip in exercise routines. Here are 3 ways to stay on track with your fitness this summer. 1. Schedule Your WorkoutsDon’t let summer chaos disrupt your workouts! Block out dedicated…

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  • The Importance of “Murph”

    The Importance of “Murph”

    Each year, CrossFit gyms around the world see a surge in participation in a “Hero Workout” called Murph. More than just a challenging workout, it is a powerful tribute to a fallen hero, Lieutenant Michael P. Murphy. Michael Murphy was a United States Navy SEAL who lost his life in Afghanistan in 2005. This workout…

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