Last May, my husband was looking for a new challenge. He was already running a 5k per month and wanted something more involved. The YMCA just wasn’t cutting it. So, he found CrossFit Alabaster and visited. He fell immediately in love. In June, the soccer coach at the high school encouraged my daughter’s team to join a CrossFit gym to improve their strength and stamina in the off season. Immediately, our CrossFit Alabaster (CFA) membership went from a one-person to a two-person. In the fall, they competed in their first competition. I went to watch. That is where my story begins.
I watched the athletes do all of these cool things and thought to myself, “I can do that!” Now let me explain. I was overweight. Very overweight.
I started at CFA in a 2-week 101 class. I learned the basics, the terminology and the right way to do things. I thought that was the hardest thing I had ever done- but I did it. Once I was released into the classes, I was so immediately impressed with how positive everyone was and how encouraging the entire place is. And when I was completely overwhelmed at the complexity of a workout, there was ALWAYS a scale.
When I walked in the door, I couldn’t even do an on-the-knees pushup or a single squat. Last night I did push-ups and 120 squats (among other things)! I am daily amazed at the things that CFA is helping me do. I “knew I could do it”, but I had no idea what all I would ACTUALLY be able to do! I am now 40 pounds and 4 pant sizes smaller. (Thank you, squats!)

It is eleven months later and my daughter, husband and I are still at it- we even added the youngest minion to the bunch! I will stay with this until they drag me out. I am a work in progress and still have a lot of work to do, but I can’t imagine doing it anywhere but CFA. I love this place and I love the me that it is helping me become.