10 Jumping Jack Toe Touches
10 Calf Raises
10 Tib Raises
10 Alt. Elbow Punches
10 Strict Press
20 Single Unders (upgrade to Dubs in R2)
5/5 Leg Swings
5/5 Ankle Rolls
5 Hang Power Clean + Push Press
Build to a Moderate 2-Rep )
Build to a Moderate 2-Rep
(Score is Weight)
EVERY 2:00 x 6 SETS
60 Double Unders
Unbroken Shoulder to Overhead*
-Rest w/ Time Remaining-
*Shoulder to Overhead Weight Options…
10 Reps (135/95)
8 Reps (165/115)
6 Reps (185/135)
(Score is Slowest Set)
KG BB1: (60/42.5)
KG BB2: (75/52.5)
KG BB3: (85/60)
EVERY 2:00 x 6 SETS
100 Single Unders
Unbroken Shoulder to Overhead*
-Rest w/ Time Remaining-
*Shoulder to Overhead Weight Options…
10 Reps (95/65)
8 Reps (115/75)
6 Reps (135/95)
(Score is Slowest Set)
KG BB1: (42.5/30)
KG BB2: (52.5/35)
KG BB3: (60/42.5)
:30/:30 Calf Smash on Barbell
:30/:30 L-Position Pec Stretch on Rig or Wall*
20 Alt. Deadbugs
-Rest as Needed b/t Sets-
*Place elbow/forearm on a door frame or post on the rig. Lean forward while keeping core tight and back flat.
(No Measure)
(Score is Weight)