2 June 2020
1 Power Snatch + 1 Squat Snatch (10 EMOM @60% )
Perform 1 Power Snatch and 1 Full Snatch
Metcon (Time)
Running Jackie
800 Meter Run
50 Thrusters (45/33)
50 Pull-ups
800 Meter Run
50 Thrusters (45/33)
50 Pull-ups
Class Clock
0-10 Warmup
10-14 Demo and Prep for Strength
14-24 Strength
24-29 Demo and WOD Prep
29-41 WOD
41-46 Stretch
46-55 Cleanup
10-14 Demo and Prep for Strength
14-24 Strength
24-29 Demo and WOD Prep
29-41 WOD
41-46 Stretch
46-55 Cleanup
Modify to 1000 Meter Row if you CANNOT run