12 Jan 2022
Core Work
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
5 min AMRAP:
:30 elbow plank
:30 overhead hold in snatch grip (empty bar)
15 KB swing (53/35)
:30 elbow plank
:30 overhead hold in snatch grip (empty bar)
15 KB swing (53/35)
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
for time:
20 minute AMRAP:
30 snatch
30 burpee
20 minute AMRAP:
30 snatch
30 burpee
weight starts at (75/55) and increases by 20# for men, 10# for the ladies each full round.
as far as you can get in 20 minutes
every full round completed is 60 total reps, have fun with this one, Open prep has begun!