CrossFit – Sun, Dec 1
Workout Option 1
Turkey Trot (Time)
Freedom (RX’d)
4 rounds
400m Run
25 GHDs (or 25 V-Ups)
4 rounds
400m Run
20 GHDs + 6in Riser (or 20 V-Ups)
4 rounds
300m Run
25 Sit Ups
- Target Time: 13-15 minutes
- Time Cap: 18 minutes
Workout Option 2
Option 2: Zone 2/Recovery (Time)
45-60 Minute AMRAP (Zone 2 Pace)
Buy In: 5,000m Row
*Goal is for this to slightly improve in pace but maintain Z2 Heart Rate.
In the remaining time:
1,000m Ski
30 Sec Wall Facing Handstand Hold
30 Sec L-Sit Hang Accumulated
If you don’t have access to a SkiErg, sub 800m Run or 60/48 cal Air Bike.