🎃 Challenge: Complete 1 mile every day (walk or run) for 31 days in October!
🗓️ Dates: October 1 – October 31
🏃 How it Works:
– Walk or run 1 mile each day—indoors or outdoors—it’s your choice!
– While you’re welcome to do more, only 1 mile will count per day toward your 31-mile goal.
– Log your mile daily in the app to stay on track and keep your streak alive!* (You’ll be responsible for tallying your total as you go.)
💡 Pro Tip:
Make it part of your daily routine—whether it’s a morning walk, an evening jog, or during lunch breaks. Keep it fun and aim for consistency!
*Score = Reps (1 Rep = 1 Mile)
Athletes Notes
4:00 Clock
10 Single Leg Calf Raises (each)
5 Samson Lunges (each)
25ft High Knees
25ft Butt Kicks
50ft Lateral Shuffle
50ft Shuttle Run (getting faster each round)
Athletes Notes
If you don’t have the space to do the workout as written then do:
10 seconds of High Knees , 10 seconds of Butt Kicks , 20 seconds Skater Side Jumps , and then 20 seconds of Jumping Jacks
🎃 AMRAP 24 Minutes 🎃
Max Box Step Ups* (24″/20″)
*Every 4:00 – including 0:00 complete:
10 Shuttle Runs (50ft)
31 Russian Twists (L+R=1)
*go at an easy pace, use this as a chance to mentally and physically prepare for our M30 shortened version of “Chad1000x”.
10/31/24, Fun Halloween theme reps for today.
Athletes Notes
Rep Numbers Explanation
🎃 It’s 10/31/24 so here is a Fun Halloween themed rep count for today.
24 minutes for 2024
10 Shuttle Runs for October (10th month)
31 Russian Twists for the 31st
- Scoring our total Box Step Up Reps (nothing else goes into the score)
Workout Strategy and Flow
- Happy Thursday. Let’s go at an easy pace today and use this as a chance to mentally and physically prepare for our M30 shortened version of Chad1000x
- Box Step Up – I would recommend getting a whiteboard or pen/paper to track your rep counts as this may get tricky over the 24 minutes
- Every 4 minutes (starting at the beginning of the workout) you will have to stop working on the box step ups and complete 10 Shuttle Run and 31 total Russian Twists (left side + right side) is 1 rep.
At 3,2,1…Go
Start by completing 10 Shuttle Runs and 31 Russian Twists. Then as soon as you’ve done that get to your box and begin your step ups. You will be working to accumulate max box step ups. Then at the 4 minute mark, stop and complete 10 more shuttle runs and 31 russian twists. Once that is done, go back to the box and continue the step ups picking up on the number you left off on. Continue this at the 8, 12, 16, and 20 minute mark!!
AMRAP 24 Minutes
Max Step Up to Surface
Every 4:00 – including 0:00 complete:
60 seconds of Standing Marches or Step Jacks
31 Heel Taps (L+R=1)
Mayhem Moms
AMRAP 24 Minutes
Max Box Step Ups
Every 4:00 – including 0:00 complete:
60 seconds of Skipping in Place
31 Heel Taps (L+R=1)