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“CFA Anywhere” WOD, November 20, 2024

“CFA Anywhere” – Wed, Nov 20

Warm Up

5:00 Clock
10 Cat Cows
3 Elbow to Floor Lunge Stretches (Each)
3 Inchworm to Push Ups
6 – 90/90 Hip Openers
3 Burpees

Athletes Notes

Bodyweight + Minimal: Coconut Mall (9 Rounds for reps)

3 Rounds:
30 seconds of max burpees
30 seconds rest

On 3rd round rest for 1:00

6 rounds
20 seconds of max Burpees
10 seconds rest

Let’s focus on pacing here!
Goal in 30 seconds:7-10+
Goal in 20 seconds: 5-8

Athletes Notes


  • If you cannot do the lower end of the target rep numbers (7 in 30 seconds or 5 in 20 seconds) then I would recommend hopping down to the Scaled or Mayhem Moms version of a burpee and scaling to that style for today. REMEMBER: SCALING IS NOT BAD! Scaling makes us better in time!!!!

Workout Strategy and Flow

  • We are in a cycle geared towards getting better at burpees. We want to end this cycle with slightly more control over burpees – with our breathing during them and the ability to make them be more of a rest movement instead of a movement that destroys us.
  • Burpees – the ultimate opportunity to use my motto of lay down, stand up, jump.
  • Today we get to learn more about ourselves. We get to see how hard we can push and how fast we recover before doing it again. We also get to play around with time domains.
  • Focus on your breathing!!

0:00 – 0:30 Complete max burpees (goal 7-10+)
0:30 – 1:00 Rest
1:00 – 1:30 Complete max burpees (goal 7-10+)
1:30 – 2:00 Rest
2:00 – 2:30 Complete max burpees (goal 7-10+)
2:30 – 3:30 Rest
3:30 – 3:50 Complete max burpees (goal 5-8 reps)
3:50 – 4:00 Rest
4:00 – 4:20 Complete max burpees (goal 5-8 reps)
4:20 – 4:30 Rest
4:30 – 4:50 Complete max burpees (goal 5-8 reps)
4:50 – 5:00 Rest
5:00 – 5:20 Complete max burpees (goal 5-8 reps)
5:20 – 5:30 Rest
5:30 – 5:50 Complete max burpees (goal 5-8 reps)
5:50 – 6:00 Rest
6:00 – 6:20 Complete max burpees (goal 5-8 reps)


  • Lay down, stand up, jump. Don’t make burpees more complicated in your mind than that.
  • Keep a whiteboard or notes app open on your phone to keep track of reps.


3 Rounds:
30 seconds of max Elevated Up Down with Jump
30 seconds rest

On 3rd round rest for 1:00

6 rounds
20 seconds of max Elevated Up Down with Jump
10 seconds rest

Mayhem Moms

3 Rounds:
30 seconds of max Modified Burpee
30 seconds rest

On 3rd round rest for 1:00

6 rounds
20 seconds of max Modified Burpee
10 seconds rest

if needed scale movement to Modified Burpee- elevated with knee drive

Bodyweight + Minimal: Core Finisher (Checkmark)

5 Sets:
30 Plank Side to Side Hip Touches (total)
30 second Hollow Hold
-rest 1:00-

Athletes Notes

Workout Strategy and Flow

30 Side to Side Plank Hip Touches (total) into a 30 second hollow hold
-rest 1:00-
30 Side to Side Plank Hip Touches (total) into a 30 second hollow hold
-rest 1:00-
30 Side to Side Plank Hip Touches (total) into a 30 second hollow hold
-rest 1:00-
30 Side to Side Plank Hip Touches (total) into a 30 second hollow hold
-rest 1:00-5 Sets:
30 Plank Side to Side Hip Touches (total)
30 second Hollow Hold
-rest 1:00-
30 Side to Side Plank Hip Touches (total) into a 30 second hollow hold



5 sets:
30 second Knee Plank
30 second Boat Hold
-rest 1:00-

Mayhem Moms

5 Sets:
30 Forearm Plank Side to Side Hip Touches OR just hold a plank for 30 seconds
30 second Boat Hold
-rest 1:00-

Longer Cool Down

1:00 Pancake Stretch
1:00 Lunge to Elbow with Rotation (right)
1:00 Lunge to Elbow with Rotation (left)
1:00 Downward to Upward Dog Transitions
1:00 Alternating Calf Stretch
1:00 Bottom of the Squat Hold

Athletes Notes