5:00 Clock
10 Prone IYTs
5 Samson Lunge Stretches (each)
5 Inchworms to Push Up
3 Single Dumbbell Push Press (each) **minimal only to warm up for dumbbell Turkish get ups
1 Turkish Get Up
Athletes Notes
5 Minutes to work through as many rounds as you can.
- Prone IYTs – complete 10 of the I’s, 10 of the Y’s and 10 of the T’s
- Samson Lunge Stretch
- Inchworm to Pushup
- Single Dumbbell Push Press (minimal only)
Every 2 Minutes x 3 sets:
6 Alternating Bodyweight Turkish Get Ups
Athletes Notes
Demo Video
- Benefits of the Turkish Get Up:
- Unilateral movement where we can correct muscle imbalances
- Building shoulder strength
- Working on shoulder stability
- Strengthening your core
*Take your time here!!!
0:00 – 2:00 6 Alternating Bodyweight Turkish Get Ups, rest the remainder of time.
2:00 – 4:00 Repeat for set 2
4:00 – 6:00 Repeat for set 3
Every 2 Minutes x 3 sets
6 Alternating Rolling Get Ups
Mayhem Moms
Every 2 Minutes x 3 sets
6 Alternating Single Leg Glute Bridge + Knee Side Plank + Leg Lift (glute bridge + side plank leg left is 1 rep)
For Time:
40 Burpee Broad Jump (4ft/3ft)
60 second Side Plank (each)
200ft Bodyweight Walking Lunges
200ft Bear Crawl (or 100ft Handstand Walk)
Time Cap: 15:00
Athletes Notes
Workout Strategy and Flow
- We have a chipper today, meaning you HAVE to complete all of movement 1, before you can move onto movement 2, then all of movement 2 before you can move on to movement 3…and so on.
- This will be grunt work and a sweat sesh. Just put your head down and work!!!
- Burpee Broad Jump – focus on steady movement. To mentally help you overcome these 40, I would say do 10 at a time, taking a quick break before getting started on the next 10. You don’t have to jump high, rather jump far. For RX we are looking for a 4ft jump for men and a 3ft jump for women. If you need to scale distance, that works too!
- Side Plank – you do not have to do these 60 seconds unbroken, but you do need to accumulate 60 seconds total on one side before moving to the other. So if you need to take a quick break, the main clock will still be counting up so don’t waste precious time.
- Bodyweight Walking Lunge – We would recommend doing 50ft unbroken and shaking it out. Be cautious of trying to do a bigger chunk at once and then falling a part. We want to stay steady moving with quick breaks instead of moving too fast and then having to take much longer breaks.
- Bear Crawl OR Handstand Walk – by this point you will be so close to the ending but your arms and legs will be tired. Aim to push through to the finish, still maintaining 50ft unbroken for bear crawls or 25ft unbroken for handstand walk.
- If you don’t have space to do a Burpee Broad Jump, you can do a Burpee Tuck Jump.
- If you don’t have space to do a walking lunge, you can do 8 Bodyweight Forward Lunges in place for every 25ft.
- If you don’t have space to do the bear crawl, you can do 6 Bear Crawl Alternating Shoulder Taps (L+R=1) for every 25ft.
For Time:
40 Elevated Up Down with Jump
60 second Knee Side Plank
64 Alternating Wall Assisted Step Back Lunges
200ft Bear Crawl Or 48 Bear Crawl Alternating Shoulder Taps (L+R=1)
Every 2:30 Minutes x 3 sets:
6 Alternating Dumbbell Turkish Get Ups
Athletes Notes
Demo Video
- Benefits of the Turkish Get Up:
- Unilateral movement where we can correct muscle imbalances
- Building shoulder strength
- Working on shoulder stability
- Strengthening your core
*Take your time here!!!
0:00 – 2:30 6 Alternating Dumbbell Turkish Get Ups, rest in time remaining
2:30 – 5:00 Repeat for set 2
5:30 – 7:30 Repeat for set 3
Mayhem Moms
Every 2 Minutes x 3 sets
6 Alternating Single Leg Glute Bridge + Knee Side Plank + Leg Lift (glute bridge + knee side plank leg lift is 1 rep)
For Time:
40 Burpee Broad Jump (4ft/3ft)
200ft Dumbbell Farmers Carry (2×50/35)
200ft Single Dumbbell Walking Lunges (50/35)
200ft Bear Crawl (or 100ft Handstand Walk)
**see flow for what to do if you don’t have 25ft of space to go back and forth.
Time Cap: 15:00
Athletes Notes
Workout Strategy and Flow
- We have a chipper today, meaning you HAVE to complete all of movement 1, before you can move onto movement 2, then all of movement 2 before you can move on to movement 3…and so on.
- This will be grunt work and a sweat sesh. Just put your head down and work!!!
- Burpee Broad Jump – focus on steady movement. To mentally help you overcome these 40, I would say do 10 at a time, taking a quick break before getting started on the next 10. You don’t have to jump high, rather jump far. For RX we are looking for a 4ft jump for men and a 3ft jump for women. If you need to scale distance, that works too!
- Double Dumbbell Farmer’s Carry – for the weight you choose, you should be able to do at least 50ft unbroken at a time.
- Single Dumbbell Walking Lunge – you may hold the dumbbell however you’d like! We would recommend doing 50ft unbroken and shaking it out. Be cautious of trying to do a bigger chunk at once and then falling a part. We want to stay steady moving with quick breaks instead of moving too fast and then having to take much longer breaks.
- Bear Crawl OR Handstand Walk – by this point you will be so close to the ending but your arms and legs will be tired. Aim to push through to the finish, still maintaining 50ft unbroken for bear crawls or 25ft unbroken for handstand walk.
- If you don’t have space to do a Burpee Broad Jump, you can do a Burpee Tuck Jump.
- If you don’t have space to do Farmers Carry, you can do 20 seconds of Double Dumbbell Farmer’s Carry Marches for every 25ft.
- If you don’t have space to do a walking lunge, you can do 8 lunges in place for every 25ft.
- If you don’t have space to do the bear crawl, you can do 6 Bear Crawl Alternating Shoulder Taps (L+R=1) for every 25ft.
Mayhem Moms
For Time:
40 Modified Burpee
200ft Double Dumbbell Farmer’s Carry (see substitution above if you need to perform as holds)
32 Dumbbell Split Lunge (each leg)
200ft Bear Crawl Or 48 Bear Crawl Alternating Shoulder Taps (L+R=1)
1:30 Elbow to the Floor Stretch (R/L)
1:30 Toe Touch Stretch
Athletes Notes
Mayhem Moms
For Time:
40 Modified Burpee
60 second Side Plank
200ft of Bodyweight Walking Lunge OR 32 Bodyweight Split Squat (each leg)
200ft Bear Crawl Or 48 Bear Crawl Alternating Shoulder Taps (L+R=1)