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“CFA Anywhere” WOD, June 5, 2024

“CFA Anywhere” – Wed, Jun 5

Warm Up

2 Rounds:
10 Leg Swings (forward and backward)
5 Samson Lunges (each)

Athletes Notes

Extended Warm Up/Accessory (Checkmark)

AMRAP 7 Minutes at easy-moderate intensity
15 seconds of Plank Jack
10 Bird Dogs (each)
15 Tibialis Raise
10 Single Leg Calf Raises (each)
15 seconds of Single Unders

Athletes Notes

Bodyweight Metcon
Bodyweight: Rocky Mountains (10 Rounds for reps)

10 Sets:
20 Line Hops
10 Sit Ups
20 Line Hops
-rest 1:00 between sets-

*Sets 1-3: easy-moderate pace
*Sets 4-8: moderate-fast pace
*Sets 9-10: SPRINT!

Athletes Notes

Scoring Note

  • Keep in mind that you should be able to see your score times progressively getting faster if you do this correctly.

Workout Strategy and Flow

  • Today we are working through some cardio and core….AND learning how to change paces
  • Transition time is also going to be key here between laying and standing on the floor.
  • Line Hops : as the pace gets faster, you are going to need to be sure you are going unbroken, and faster than usual.
  • Easy-moderate pace: should be done at a conversational pace where you could talk to someone without getting out of breath. Keeping the heart rate lower. Use these sets as a warm up.
  • Moderate-fast pace: pick up the pace a bit here. Should start out at a sustainable pace and as you continue on start getting a bit faster and more uncomfy.
  • SPRINT: this pace should not be sustainable, full send.

Backpack Option

10 Sets:
20 Hops Over the Backpack
10 Backpack Sit Up
20 Hops Over the Backpack
-rest 1:00 between sets-

Sets 1-3: easy-moderate pace
Sets 4-8: moderate-fast pace
Sets 9-10: SPRINT!


10 Sets at moderate pace:
20 Step Jacks
10 Quarter Sit Ups
20 Step Jacks

Mayhem Moms

2 Options –

  • If you feel like you can be a little more free with your hopping/jumping:

10 Sets:
20 Line Hops or Skater Side Jumps
10 Quarter Sit Ups
20 Line Hops or Skater Side Jumps
-rest 1:00 between sets-

Sets 1-3: easy-moderate pace
Sets 4-8: moderate-fast pace
Sets 9-10: SPRINT!

Minimal Metcon
Minimal: Rocky Mountains (10 Rounds for reps)

10 Sets:
20 Double Unders
10 Sit Ups
20 Double Unders
-rest 1:00 between sets-

*Sets 1-3: easy-moderate pace
*Sets 4-8: moderate-fast pace
*Sets 9-10: SPRINT!

Athletes Notes

Scoring Note

  • Keep in mind that you should be able to see your score times progressively getting faster if you do this correctly.

Workout Strategy and Flow

  • Today we are working through some cardio and core….AND learning how to change paces
  • Transition time is also going to be key here between the rope and the floor and back to the rope.
  • Double Unders : your double unders need to be “on” today in order to really get the full effect of this workout. This is a great time to work on double under speed: knowing how and when to speed up and slow it down.
    • If you cannot complete 20 unbroken consistently, you should scale to either 20 Crossovers OR 30 Single Unders (only 1.5x today due to # of total reps)
  • Easy-moderate pace: should be done at a conversational pace where you could talk to someone without getting out of breath. Keeping the heart rate lower. Use these sets as a warm up.
  • Moderate-fast pace: pick up the pace a bit here. Should start out at a sustainable pace and as you continue on start getting a bit faster and more uncomfy.
  • SPRINT: this pace should not be sustainable, full send.


  • As mentioned above, scaling options today are 20 Crossovers OR 30 Single Unders (only 1.5x today due to # of total reps)

Mayhem Moms

2 Options –

  • If you feel like you can be a little more free with your hopping/jumping:

10 sets:
20 Line Hops or Skater Side Jumps
10 Quarter Sit Ups
20 Line Hops or Skater Side Jumps
-rest 1:00 between sets-

Sets 1-3: easy-moderate pace
Sets 4-8: moderate-fast pace
Sets 9-10: SPRINT!

  • If you feel you really need to focus on control in the hopping/jumping:

10 sets at moderate pace:
20 Slow and Controlled Line Hops
10 Quarter Sit Ups
20 Slow and Controlled Line Hops
-rest 1:00 between sets-