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“CFA Anywhere” WOD, June 3, 2024

“CFA Anywhere” – Mon, Jun 3

New Cycle: Strength Surge

Mayhem Family, I am excited to present another cycle for us! This time it will be 12 weeks long and will have two main focuses:

1) Squat Strength
2) Overhead Pressing Endurance

Just as we have done in other cycles, we will have the opportunity to test, work on our strength/muscular endurance and then re-test at the end of the 12 weeks. Don’t worry if this is your first time completing a cycle with us, things will continue to look similar to what you’ve seen, with strength work and metcons that are fun and have variety.

I am excited to watch your strength surge this summer.


New Cycle: Strength Surge
12 weeks
Week of June 3 – Week of August 19

Warm Up

5:00 Clock
15 Seconds of Standing Marches
5 Elbow to Floor Lunge Stretches (each)
5 Single Leg Glute Bridges (each)
5 Jumping Split Squat (each)
2 Tempo Air Squats OR 2 Tempo Single Dumbbell Front Squats (Each) * at the 3311 tempo

Athletes Notes

5 Minutes to work through as many rounds as you can.

Bodyweight Metcon
Bodyweight: Squat Strength Test (AMRAP – Reps)

Max Tempo Air Squats @3311

Cap: 30 reps

**Tempo: 3 seconds down, 3 second pause at bottom, 1 second up, 1 second pause at top
(1 rep should take you 8 seconds)

Athletes Notes


  • We are scoring the # of reps you got with the tempo to get a “max set” for the day. Please note that 1 proper tempo rep should take you 8 seconds! If you pause for longer than 1 second at the top of the rep before starting your next rep, that would be considered off-tempo and you would be done with your max set.


  • You will get one set to find a max air squat at the tempo written.
  • Tempo Explanation: 3 seconds down, 3 second pause at bottom, 1 second up, 1 second pause at top….meaning 1 rep should take you 8 seconds.
  • As mentioned above if you pause for longer than 1 second at the top of the rep before starting your next rep, that would be considered off-tempo and you would be done with your max set.

Demo Video

  • Air Squats (tempo not shown)
  • Focus on keeping a tight core, especially in the eccentric (lowering) phase and the pause at the bottom. As your core starts to fatigue, don’t let your chest drop. Think about showing what’s on your t-shirt to someone in front of you at all times!
  • You get 1 second to pause at the top and mentally prep for the next rep.

Backpack Option

Max Tempo Backpack Back Squat @3311

Cap: 25 reps


Max Tempo Squat to Chair @3311

Cap: 25 reps

  • NOTE: lightly rest (don’t sit) on the chair for 3 seconds during the pause before standing again. You should be holding up a majority of your bodyweight during the pause squat, not the chair

Mayhem Moms

There is no modification for today.

If you need additional balance assistance, you may add a chair/box under your squat and lightly rest (don’t sit) for 3 seconds during the pause before standing again.

Bodyweight: Himalayas (Time)

For Time:
Towel Rows or Banded Bent Over Rows
Alternating Leg V-Up + V-Up*

*1 rep = alt. leg v-up (left) + alt leg v-up (right) + v-up

(RX+ Option: Kipping Pull Ups)

Athletes Notes

Workout Strategy and Flow

  • Towel Rows or Banded Bent Over Row : You should be capable of completing these unbroken when fresh. Be cautious because the volume will add up over the course of the workout. So it may be wise for the first 12 and 9 to break once quickly to shake it out.
    • RX+ Option: Kipping Pull Up – only complete these if you can do at least 3-5 kipping pull ups unbroken (consistently)
  • This is a combo movement!! Alternating Leg V-Up + V-Up so you will complete 1 alternating leg v-up on the left, 1 alternating leg v-up on the right and 1 v-up for ONE total rep.

12 Rows, 12 Alt. V-Up/V-Up combo, 9 Rows, 9 Alt. V-Up/V-Up combo, 6 Rows, 6 Alt. V-Up/V-Up combo, 3 Rows, 3 Alt. V-Up/V-Up combo, 6 Rows, 6 Alt. V-Up/V-Up combo, 9 Rows, 9 Alt. V-Up/V-Up combo, 12 Rows, 12 Alt. V-Up/V-Up combo.

Backpack Option

*slightly different rep scheme with this option

For Time:
Backpack Bent Over Row
Backpack Sit Up


*slightly different rep scheme with this option
For Time:
Towel Rows or Banded Bent Over Row
Quarter Sit Ups

Mayhem Moms

For Time:
Towel Rows or Banded Bent Over Row
Modified Alternating Leg V Ups + Quarter Sit Ups

Minimal Metcon
Minimal: Squat Strength Test (AMRAP – Reps)

Max Tempo Double Dumbbell Front Squat @3311

Cap: 25 reps

(RX Weight: 2 x 50/35)

**Tempo: 3 seconds down, 3 second pause at bottom, 1 second up, 1 second pause at top
(1 rep should take you 8 seconds)

Athletes Notes


  • We are scoring the # of reps you got with the tempo to get a “max set” for the day. Please note that 1 proper tempo rep should take you 8 seconds! If you pause for longer than 1 second at the top of the rep before starting your next rep, that would be considered off-tempo and you would be done with your max set.
  • Typically in Strength I do not give an RX weight, but for the tests in this cycle, there will be an RX weight. Please scale as needed.


  • You will get use one set to find a max double dumbbell front squat at the tempo written.
  • Tempo Explanation: 3 seconds down, 3 second pause at bottom, 1 second up, 1 second pause at top….meaning 1 rep should take you 8 seconds.
  • As mentioned above if you pause for longer than 1 second at the top of the rep before starting your next rep, that would be considered off-tempo and you would be done with your max set.

Demo Video

  • Double Dumbbell Front Squats (tempo not shown)
  • Your hands should remain on the handles at all times and elbows in the front rack position.
  • Focus on keeping a tight core, especially in the eccentric (lowering) phase and the pause at the bottom. As your core starts to fatigue, don’t let your shoulders and chest drop. Keep them nice and tall and think about driving your elbows / dumbbells up!
  • You get 1 second to pause at the top and mentally prep for the next rep.

Mayhem Moms

There is no modification for today.

If you need additional balance assistance, you may add a chair / box under your squat and lightly rest (don’t sit) for 3 seconds during the pause before standing again.

Minimal: Himalayas (Time)

For Time:
Double Dumbbell Bent Over Row (2×50/35)
Alternating Leg V-Up + V-Up*

*1 rep = alt. leg v-up (left) + alt leg v-up (right) + v-up

Athletes Notes

Workout Strategy and Flow

  • Double Dumbbell Bent Over Row: With the weight you select, you should be capable of completing these unbroken when fresh. Be cautious because the volume will add up over the course of the workout. So it may be wise for the first 12 and 9 to break once quickly to shake it out.
  • This is a combo movement!! Alternating Leg V-Up + V-Up so you will complete 1 alternating leg v-up on the left, 1 alternating leg v-up on the right and 1 v-up for ONE total rep.

12 Rows, 12 Alt. V-Up/V-Up combo, 9 Rows, 9 Alt. V-Up/V-Up combo, 6 Rows, 6 Alt. V-Up/V-Up combo, 3 Rows, 3 Alt. V-Up/V-Up combo, 6 Rows, 6 Alt. V-Up/V-Up combo, 9 Rows, 9 Alt. V-Up/V-Up combo, 12 Rows, 12 Alt. V-Up/V-Up combo

Mayhem Moms

For Time:
Double Dumbbell Bent Over Row
Modified Alternating Leg V Ups + Quarter Sit Ups

Bonus Stretching

:30 Chest Stretch (each side)
:30 Couch Stretch (each side)
1:00 Chair Box Lat Stretch

Athletes Notes