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“CFA Anywhere” WOD, June 23, 2024

“CFA Anywhere” – Sun, Jun 23

Sunday Steps + Sunshine (AMRAP – Reps)

Complete a 20 Minute Walk (outdoors if possible).

Bonus Challenge: Spend your walk thinking of 3 people you’re grateful for (and why). After your walk, call those 3 people individually and tell them that you’re thankful for them.

Score = # of Steps. 😊 If you don’t know the step count, then just put an emoji or “0”

Sunday Stretching (Checkmark)

15 Minute Clock
1:00 Slow Inchworms with NO push up
1:00 Samson Lunge (left)
1:00 Samson Lunge (right)
1:00 Seal Stretch
1:00 Downward Dog Stretch
1:00 Scorpion Stretch Hold (left)
1:00 Scorpion Stretch Hold (left)
1:00 Thread the Needle (left)
1:00 Thread the Needle (right)
1:00 90 / 90 Hip Stretch (left)
1:00 90 / 90 Hip Stretch (left)
1:00 Pancake Stretch
1:00 Child’s Pose
1:00 Camel Pose
1:00 Bottom of the Squat Hold

Athletes Notes