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“CFA Anywhere” WOD, January 23, 2025

“CFA Anywhere” – Thu, Jan 23

Warm Up

2 rounds
40 seconds of High Knees
10 Reverse Snow Angels
4 Elbow to Floor Lunge Stretches (each)
4 Single Leg Glute Bridges (each)


2 Rounds
30 second Run
30 second Walk

Athletes Notes

Bodyweight + Minimal: Iguana (Time)

6 Rounds
400m Run
20 Box Step Ups (24”/20”)
10 V-Ups

Time Cap: 20 Minutes

Athletes Notes


  • This workout is scored based on the time it takes for the athlete to complete the total work.

Workout Strategy and Flow

  • At 3,2,1 begin with a 400m run, then 20 box step ups, and 10 v ups. Complete this for 6 rounds.
  • Time Cap is 20 minutes
  • I recommend that you set the clock to count up to 20:00.

Demo Videos

Scaling or Substitions

6 rounds
400m run or 400m row/bike erg
20 Box Step Up
10 Sit Ups

Time Cap: 20 minutes

Mayhem Mom Mods

6 rounds
400m run or 400m row/bike erg
20 Box Step Up
10 PhysioBall Sit Ups

Time Cap: 20 minutes

Cool Down

30 second Couch Stretch (left)
30 second Couch Stretch (right)
30 second Child’s Pose
30 second QL Stretch (left)
30 second QL Stretch (right)

Athletes Notes