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“CFA Anywhere” WOD, January 21, 2025

“CFA Anywhere” – Tue, Jan 21

Warm Up

5:00 Clock
20 Calf Raises
15 second Pike Hold or Handstand Hold
10 Prone Y Raises
5 Thread the Needles (each)
5 Push ups to Downward Dog

Athletes Notes

We are just trying to move through this warm up for 5 minutes, trying to get through a couple rounds. Movement here is for quality, not speed or # of reps.

Bodyweight Metcon
Bodyweight: Chameleon (5 Rounds for reps)

Line Hop Capacity
5 sets:
AMRAP 60 seconds
Forward and Backward Line Hops
-rest 60 seconds between sets-

Athletes Notes


  • Your score is the cumulative total of forward and backward line hops you complete.
  • 1 rep is one hop forward + backwards
  • You will have 5 scores.

Workout Strategy and Flow

  • At 3,2,1 you will begin doing forward and backward line hops. You will work for :60 seconds. Complete 5 total sets.
  • Rest :60 seconds between sets.
  • I recommend you set your clocks for intervals of :60/:60 off.

Demo Videos

Scaling or Substitutions

  • If you need to substitute jumping, do:
    5 Sets:
    AMRAP 60 Seconds
    Object Toe Taps

    -rest 60 seconds between sets-

Mayhem Mom Mods

  • If you need to substitute jumping, do:
    5 Sets:
    AMRAP 60 Seconds
    Object Toe Taps

    -rest 60 seconds between sets-

Minimal Metcon
Minimal: Chameleon (5 Rounds for reps)

Jump Rope Capacity
5 sets:
AMRAP 60 seconds
Double Unders
-rest 60 seconds between sets-

Athletes Notes


  • Your score is the cumulative total of double unders you complete per set.
  • You will have 5 scores.

Workout Strategy and Flow

  • At 3,2,1 you will begin double unders. You will work for :60 seconds. Complete 5 total sets.
  • Rest :60 seconds between sets.
  • I recommend you set your clocks for intervals of :60/:60 off.

Demo Videos

Scaling or Substitutions

5 Sets:
AMRAP 60 seconds
Single Unders
-rest 60 seconds between sets-

Mayhem Mom Mods

5 Sets:
AMRAP 60 seconds
Single Unders
-rest 60 seconds between sets-

or if no jumping:

5 Sets:
AMRAP 60 seconds
Object Toe Taps
-rest 60 seconds between sets-

Bodyweight + Minimal: Core (3 Rounds for reps)

EMOM 12 Minutes
Minute 1: Max Russian Twists
Minute 2: Max L-Crunches
Minute 3: Max Plank Knee to Elbow
Minute 4: Rest

Athletes Notes


  • Your score is your cumulative total of each movement.
  • You will have three scores: total Russian Twists, total L-Crunches, and total Plank Knee to Elbow reps.
  • Each movement will be scored independently.

Workout Strategy and Flow

  • At 3,2,1 Complete the movements. Each minute has one individual movement to complete for max reps.
  • You will work for minutes 1, 2, 3 and rest for minute 4.
  • Complete 3 rounds.
  • I recommend setting the clock to an EMOM for 12 minutes.

Demo Videos

Mayhem Mom Mods

Minute 1: Heel Taps
Minute 2: PhysioBall Sit Ups
Minute 3: Deadbug
Minute 4: Rest

Bonus Stretching

1 Minute Easy Walk
:30 Scorpion Stretch Hold (left)
:30 Scorpion Stretch Hold (right)
:30 Seal Stretch
:30 Leaning Child’s Pose (left)
:30 Leaning Child’s Pose (right)

Athletes Notes