On a 4:00 clock:
20 Mountain Climbers
10 Scap Only Push Ups
5 Push up to Downward Dog
5 Box Step Ups (each)
5 Single Leg RDL or Single Dumbbell Suitcase Deadlift
Athletes Notes
4 Minutes to work through as many rounds as you can.
4 sets
6 Tempo Towel Rows @5012
-rest 30s-
12 Box Pistol Squat (each leg)
-rest 30s-
24 Supinated Banded Pull Aparts
-rest 2 minutes-
Athletes Notes
- This workout does not have a scored component. Please use an emoji to show that it is finished.
Workout Strategy and Flow
- At 3,2,1 begin with
6 tempo towel rows, aiming to hold a 5 second pull and 1 second down and 2 second hold at the bottom
-Rest :30-
12 box pistol squats on the left
12 box pistol squats on the right
-Rest :30-
24 banded pull aparts
-Rest 2:00-
Complete for 4 sets
Demo Videos
- Towel Rows
- Box Pistol Squat
- Supinated Banded Pull Aparts (palms up)
6 Backpack Bent Over Row
rest :30
12 Bench + Heel Assisted Pistol
rest :30
24 Supinated Banded Pull Aparts
Mayhem Mom Mods
6 Backpack Bent Over Row
rest :30
12 Bench + Heel Assisted Pistol
rest :30
24 Supinated Banded Pull Aparts
See Scaling and Sub Document HERE for calorie conversion chart and recommended substitution options!
4 sets
6 Negative Pull Ups*
-rest 30s-
12 Box Pistol Squat (each leg)
-rest 30s-
24 Supinated Banded Pull Aparts
-rest 2 minutes-
*3-5s negatives. sub for 6 dual db bent over row @ 5012
Athletes Notes
- This workout does not have a scored component. Please use an emoji to show that it is finished.
Workout Strategy and Flow
- At 3,2,1 begin with
6 negative pull ups, aiming to slowly descend 3-5 seconds from the top of the pull up bar
-Rest :30-
12 box pistol squats on the left
12 box pistol squats on the right
-Rest :30-
24 supinated banded pull aparts
-Rest 2:00-
Complete for 4 sets
Demo videos
- Negative Pull Ups
- Box Pistol Squat
- Supinated Banded Pull Aparts – (palms up)
6 Negative Strict Pull Ups to a box
rest :30
12 Bench + Heel Assisted Pistol per leg
rest :30
24 Supinated Band Pull Aparts
Mayhem Mom Mods
6 Negative Strict Pull Ups to a box
rest :30
12 Bench + Heel Assisted Pistol per leg
rest :30
24 Supinated Band Pull Aparts
See Scaling and Sub Document HERE for calorie conversion chart and recommended substitution options!
:30 Cross Arm Stretch (each)
:30 Standing Tricep Stretch (each)
1:00 Toe Touch Stretch
1:00 Alternating Scorpion Stretch
Athletes Notes