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“CFA Anywhere” WOD, February 4, 2025

“CFA Anywhere” – Tue, Feb 4

Extended Warm Up + Accessory

AMRAP 6 Minutes
10 Rocks from Heel to Toe
5 Dynamic Squat Stretches
5 Reverse Lunge to High Knee (each)
10 Downward to Upward Dog Transitions
10 Hollow Rocks
30 seconds of Run

Athletes Notes

Bodyweight + Minimal: Scarlets (Time)

For Time
1.5 Mile Run
30 Push Up + Mountain Climber Complexes

*20 minute time CAP

Push Up Complex:
1 Push Up + 4 Mountain Climbers (1 rep = left/right)

Athletes Notes


  • This workout is scored based on how quickly you can complete the required work. The time cap is 20:00.

Workout Strategy and Flow

  • At 3,2,1 head out on a 1.5 mile (2400m) run. Once that is complete work through 30 push up + mountain climber complex.
  • I recommend you set your clock to count up to 20:00.

Demo Videos


1000m Run
20 Push Up + Mountain Climber Complex

Mayhem Mom Mods

1.5Mile Run or 3000m Row
30 Elevated Push Up + Mountain Climber Complex

See Scaling and Sub Document HERE for calorie conversion chart and recommended substitution options!

Non Running Option: Scarlets (Time)

3 Rounds
30 High Knees to Lateral Shuffle (2 high knees + shuffle-shuffle = 1 rep)
5 Push Up Climber Complex
60 Skater Side Jumps
5 Push Up Climber Complex

Climber complex:
1 Push Up + 4 Mountain Climbers

Athletes Notes


  • This workout is scored based on how quickly you can complete the required reps.

Workout Strategy and Flow

  • At 3,2,1 begin with:

30 high knees to lateral shuffle
5 push up climber complex
60 skater side jumps
5 push up climber complex

Complete this circuit 3 times. I recommend setting the clock to count up to 99:99

Demo Videos


3 Rounds
30 High Knees to Lateral Shuffle (2 high knees + shuffle-shuffle = 1 rep)
5 Knee Push Up Climber Complex
60 Skater Side Jumps
5 Knee Push Up Climber Complex

Climber complex:
1 Knee Push Up + 4 Mountain Climbers

Mayhem Mom Mods

3 Rounds
30 High Knees to Lateral Shuffle (2 high knees + shuffle-shuffle = 1 rep)
5 Elevated Push Up climber complex
60 Skater Side Jumps
5 Elevated Push Up Climber Complex

Climber complex:
1 Elevated Push Up + 4 Mountain Climbers

See Scaling and Sub Document HERE for calorie conversion chart and recommended substitution options!