4:00 Clock
20 Tibialis Raises
10 Ankle Circles
3 Inchworms to Push Up
30 seconds of Line Hops or Single Unders
Athletes Notes
Just trying to move through these movements in the 4 minutes. Try to get through a couple rounds of it to get nice and warm. Don’t rush though!
- Tibialis Raises – great exercise for strengthening the front muscle of the shin to help prevent knee injuries.
- Ankle Circles
- Inchworm to Pushup
- Line Hops or Single Unders
EMOM 9 Minutes
Minute 1: 12 Single Arm Bodyweight Renegade Rows (no push up) (left)
Minute 2: 12 Single Arm Bodyweight Renegade Rows (no push up) (right)
Minute 3: Rest
Athletes Notes
- There is no scored component, please use an emoji to show that you did it!
Workout Strategy and Flow
- At 3,2,1 athlete performs 12 single arm bodyweight renegade row (no push up) on the left. Rest the remainder of the minute. Minute 2 you will perform 12 single arm bodyweight renegade row (no push up) on the right. On minute 3, you will rest.
- Repeat this for 3 times total.
Demo Videos
EMOM 9 Minutes
Minute 1: 8 Single Arm Bodyweight Renegade Rows (no push up) (left)
Minute 2: 8 Single Arm Bodyweight Renegade Rows (no push up) (right)
Minute 3: Rest
Mayhem Mom Mods
EMOM 9 Minutes
Minute 1: 12 Elevated Bodyweight Renegade Row (left)
Minute 2: 12 Elevated Bodyweight Renegade Row (right)
Minute 3: Rest
See Scaling and Sub Document HERE for calorie conversion chart and recommended substitution options!
5 rounds:
:30 sec High Side Plank (left)
:30 sec High Side Plank (right)
15 Jumping Air Squats
:30 sec Forearm Side Plank (left)
:30 sec Forearm Side Plank (right
15 Jumping Lunges (L+R=1)
Athletes Notes
- This workout is scored based on the time it takes to complete the 5 rounds of work.
Workout Strategy and Flow
- At 3,2,1 complete :30 of High Side Plank on left side. Followed by :30 of HIgh Side Plank on right side. Then 15 jumping air squats. After complete :30 of forearm side plank on the left followed by :30 of forearm side plank on the right. Lastly complete 15 jumping lunges (L+R=1).
- Complete 5 total rounds
- I recommend setting the clock to count up to 99:99.
Demo Videos
- No scaling needed 🙂 Lower the intensity as needed.
Mayhem Mom Mods
5 rounds
30 seconds Bent Knee Side Plank (left)
30 seconds Bent Knee Side Plank (right)
15 Squat to Overhead Reach
30 seconds Bent Knee Forearm Side Plank (left)
30 seconds Bent Knee Forearm Side Plank (right)
15 Bodyweight Split Squat
See Scaling and Sub Document HERE for calorie conversion chart and recommended substitution options!
EMOM 9 Minutes
Minute 1: 9 Single Arm Single Dumbbell Renegade Rows (no push up) (left)
Minute 2: 9 Single Arm Single Dumbbell Renegade Rows (no push up) (right)
Minute 3: Rest
Athletes Notes
- This is scored on the weight of dumbbell that you choose for the EMOM.
Workout Strategy and Flow
- At 3,2,1 perform 9 single arm single dumbbell renegade row (no push up) on the left. Rest the remainder of the minute. Minute 2 you will perform 9 single arm single dumbbell renegade row (no push up) on the right. On minute 3, you will rest.
- Repeat this for 3 times total.
Demo Videos
EMOM 9 Minutes
Minute 1: 9 Single Arm Single Dumbbell Renegade Rows (no push up) (left)
Minute 2: 9 Single Arm Single Dumbbell Renegade Rows (no push up) (right)
Minute 3: Rest
Mayhem Mom Mods
EMOM 9 Minutes
Minute 1: 9 Kneeling Single Dumbbell Renegade Row (left)
Minute 2: 9 Kneeling Single Dumbbell Renegade Row (right)
Minute 3: Rest
See Scaling and Sub Document HERE for calorie conversion chart and recommended substitution options!
5 Rounds
50ft Single Dumbbell Farmer Carry (left) (50/35)
50ft Single Dumbbell Farmer Carry (right) (50/35)
15 Jumping Air Squats
50ft Single Dumbbell Front Rack Carry (left) (50/35)
50ft Single Dumbbell Front Rack Carry (right) (50/35)
15 Jumping Lunges (L+R=1)
Athletes Notes
- This workout is scored based on how long it takes to complete the work load.
Workout Strategy and Flow
- At 3,2,1 begin with 50ft single dumbbell farmer carry on the left followed by 50ft single dumbbell farmer carry on the right. Then complete 15 jumping air squats. Then 50ft single dumbbell front rack carry left side followed by 50ft single dumbbell carry on the right side. FInish with 15 jumping lunges.
- Complete 5 rounds.
- I recommend setting the clock to count up to 99:99.
Demo Videos
5 Rounds
50ft Single Dumbbell Farmer Carry (left)
50ft Single Dumbbell Farmer Carry (right)
15 Squat to Calf Raise
50ft Single Dumbbell Front Rack Carry (left)
50ft Single Dumbbell Front Rack Carry (right)
15 Bodyweight Split Squat
Mayhem Mom Mods
5 Rounds
50ft Single Dumbbell Farmer Carry (left)
50ft Single Dumbbell Farmer Carry (right)
15 Squat to Calf Raise
50ft Single Dumbbell Front Rack Carry (left)
50ft Single Dumbbell Front Rack Carry (right)
15 Bodyweight Split Squat
See Scaling and Sub Document HERE for calorie conversion chart and recommended substitution options!
:30 Wrist Stretches
1:00 Lat Stretch on Box
1:00 Camel Pose
Athletes Notes