Week 6 of the Fitmas Cycle.
Dates: Week of November 4 through Week of December 23
Two major focuses:
– Single-Leg Strength
– Upper Pulling Strength
& THE TEST: 100 Burpees for Time! (we will re-test on December 23)
6:00 Clock:
20 Reverse Snow Angels
6 Alternating Samson Lunge Stretches
4 Inchworm to Hollow
30 seconds of Burpees
Start with easy pace on burpees, then get moderate and then go fast!
Athletes Notes
3 sets
10 Bodyweight Walk Through Lunge (each)
-rest 1:30 between sets-
*1 rep = forward lunge + reverse lunge
Athletes Notes
- Single leg strength is a focus this cycle! While we won’t necessarily have a test/retest, we will have a lot of tempo and pause focus, and a chance for us to work on imbalances, balance, and coordination.
Demo Video
- Bodyweight Walk Through Lunge – while the video shows alternating, today you should do ALL 10 reps on 1 side before switching. Remember 1 rep = forward lunge + reverse lunge.
10 Bodyweight Walk Through Lunge (left), 10 Bodyweight Walk Through Lunge (right)
-rest 1:30-
10 Bodyweight Walk Through Lunge (left), 10 Bodyweight Walk Through Lunge (right)
-rest 1:30-
10 Bodyweight Walk Through Lunge (left), 10 Bodyweight Walk Through Lunge (right)
3 sets:
10 Wall Assisted Step Back Lunges (each)
-rest 1:30 between sets
Mayhem Moms
No modification needed
10 Rounds
10 Alternating Leg V-Ups
10 Single Arm X-Jump No Jump (left)
10 Single Arm X-Jump No Jump (right)
Athletes Notes
Workout Strategy and Flow
- 10 rounds of 10 reps means we are going to see 100 reps total of each movement, so just be aware of that before starting to make sure you choose the correct style of alternating leg v-ups.
- Alternating Leg V-Up – these are going to start out easy and as the rounds go on, it will be tougher to complete 10 unbroken. If needed take a short break at 5 reps. If you have to break more than 1 time in the 10 reps, it would be best for you to scale the movement to the M30 Scaled or Moms versions below.
- Single Arm X-Jump No Jump – remember these are like invisible snatches –hinging at the hips and still being explosive with great form. All 10 on one side, then all 10 on the other. These will start to get harder as our core fatigues so be sure to still focus on having a flat back and breathing through the movement.
10 Rounds
10 Seated Toe Taps
20 Object Alternating Hang Snatch
Mayhem Moms
10 Rounds
10 Modified Alternating Leg V Ups
10 Single Arm X-Jump No Jump (left)
10 Single Arm X-Jump No Jump (right)
3 sets:
8 Double Dumbbell Walk Through Lunge (each) – farmer hold
-rest 1:30 between sets-
*1 rep = forward lunge + reverse lunge
Athletes Notes
- Single leg strength is a focus this cycle! While we won’t necessarily have a test/retest, we will have a lot of tempo and pause focus, and a chance for us to work on imbalances, balance, and coordination.
Demo Video
- Dumbbell Walkthrough Lunge – holding dumbbells in the farmer hold position. Remember 1 rep = forward lunge + reverse lunge
8 Double Dumbbell Walk Through Lunges (left), 8 Double Dumbbell Walk Through Lunges (right)
-rest 1:30-
8 Double Dumbbell Walk Through Lunges (left), 8 Double Dumbbell Walk Through Lunges (right)
-rest 1:30-
8 Double Dumbbell Walk Through Lunges (left), 8 Double Dumbbell Walk Through Lunges (right)
Mayhem Moms
No modification needed
10 Rounds
10 Alternating Leg V-Ups
10 Single Dumbbell Hang Snatch (left) (50/35)
10 Single Dumbbell Hang Snatch (right) (50/35)
Athletes Notes
Workout Strategy and Flow
- 10 rounds of 10 reps means we are going to see 100 reps total of each movement, so just be aware of that before starting to make sure you choose the correct weight and the right style of alternating leg v-ups.
- Alternating Leg V-Up – these are going to start out easy and as the rounds go on, it will be tougher to complete 10 unbroken. If needed take a short break at 5 reps. If you have to break more than 1 time in the 10 reps, it would be best for you to scale the movement to the Moms version below.
- Single Dumbbell Hang Snatch – all 10 on one side before switching. Today I want you to be sure the weight you select allows for 10 unbroken EVERY round. It’s okay if you have to quickly set it down before switching sides but it should be light enough that you can do 10 unbroken per side.
Mayhem Moms
10 Rounds
10 Modified Alternating Leg V Ups
10 Single Dumbbell Hang Snatch (left)
10 Single Dumbbell Hang Snatch (right)
:30 Chest Stretch (each)
:30 Runners Stretch (each)
1:00 Alternating Scorpion Stretch
1:00 Seal Stretch
Athletes Notes