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“CFA Anywhere” WOD, December 5, 2024

“CFA Anywhere” – Thu, Dec 5

Short Warm Up

2 Rounds:
10 Bodyweight Calf Raises
15 seconds of Standing Marches
15 seconds of Butt Kicks

Athletes Notes

Extended Warm Up/Accessory (Checkmark)

AMRAP 7 Minutes
20 Tibialis Raises
6 Hamstring Scoop Stretches (each)
6 Elbow to Floor with Rotation (each)
30 second Run

Athletes Notes

Bodyweight + Minimal: “Lightbulb!” (Time)

Running Work
3 Rounds:
400m Run (Easy Pace)
-30 second Walk-
300m Run (Moderate Pace)
-30 second Walk-
200m (Fast Pace)
-30 second Walk-

*Score = Total time

Athletes Notes

Workout Strategy and Flow

  • Running session today, gonna be a good one. This one is going to help us get comfortable moving through different gears.
  • KEEP IN MIND If you are doing this alongside someone else, your actual speeds may be different based on each of your individual running capabilities – BUT you should both feel the same way in your easy, moderate and fast paces.


  • Easy = Conversational Pace. Should be able to talk to someone and not be out of breath.
  • Moderate = slightly more challenging, but something sustainable for 30-40 minutes
  • Fast = the most challenging pace we will see today, shouldn’t be a sprint, but also shouldn’t be something you could hold for longer than 6-10 minutes.
  • If you still don’t quite understand how to pace, just keep it simple and think of having 3 “gears” today: Easy, Medium, and Hard.

400m Run (Easy)
-30 second Walk-
300m Run (Moderate)
-30 second Walk-
200m (Fast)
-30 second Walk-
400m Run (Easy)
-30 second Walk-
300m Run (Moderate)
-30 second Walk-
200m (Fast)
-30 second Walk-
400m Run (Easy)
-30 second Walk-
300m Run (Moderate)
-30 second Walk-
200m (Fast)
-30 second Walk-


  • If you don’t like running….or think you are bad at running….GO RUN. This is the perfect opportunity to get better 🙂 You will thank me some day.
  • If you don’t have the space to run or the weather doesn’t allow it, then complete High Knees at 3 different paces. (easy, medium, hard) for the walk, literally just walk it out around the space you have to shake out the body before the next part.
    • 400m Run = 2 minutes of High Knees
    • 300m Run = 1:30 minutes of High Knees
    • 200m Run = 1 minute of High Knees
  • If you have access to a machine you can complete the paces on there, for the walking portion on a machine I would fully rest.

Backpack Option

Complete the entire workout with a backpack on.


3 Rounds
2 Minute Easy Pace of Standing Marches
30 second Slow Walk
1:30 Moderate Pace of Standing Marches
30 second Slow Walk
1 Minute Fast Pace of Standing Marches
30 second Slow Walk

Mayhem Moms

If you feel comfortable running, do it 🙂

If not, complete these at a controlled speed, easing into each pace to determine what your easy, moderate, and fast looks like in this season of life.

3 Rounds
2 Minute Easy Pace of High Knees to Lateral Shuffle
30 second Walk
1:30 Minute Moderate Pace of High Knees to Lateral Shuffle
30 second Walk
1 minute Fast Pace of High Knees to Lateral Shuffle
30 second Walk

Bonus Stretching

1 Minute Easy Walk
:30 Scorpion Stretch Hold (left)
:30 Scorpion Stretch Hold (right)
:30 Seal Stretch
:30 Leaning Child’s Pose (left)
:30 Leaning Child’s Pose (right)

Athletes Notes