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“CFA Anywhere” WOD, December 10, 2024

“CFA Anywhere” – Tue, Dec 10

Warm Up

5:00 Clock
5 Leg Swings Forward / Backward (each)
10 Single Leg Calf Raises (each)
10 Box Step Ups
20 Line Hops or Single Unders
20 second Run

Athletes Notes

Bodyweight + Minimal: Brioche (Checkmark)

Tabata style

8 sets:
30 seconds work, 30 second rest
Run (moderate pace)

-immediately into-

8 sets:
30 seconds work, 30 second rest
Box Step Ups (24″/20″) (moderate pace)

-immediately into-

30 seconds work, 30 second rest
Double Unders/Line Hops (moderate pace)

Athletes Notes


Today we are going to keep it simple and have the score be an emoji. Comment within your results box the reps if you choose to keep score. Otherwise just work for 30 seconds, rest for 30 seconds

Workout Strategy and Flow

  • Because we don’t have to keep score, this allows for us to just really enjoy movement and turn off the brain. I personally love this style of fitness where I can turn on music and a timer and just let my brain have fun and enjoy getting sweaty.
  • You should be continuously moving for the entire 30 seconds and enjoying the 30 seconds of rest. If you find that you cannot do the movement for the full 30 seconds, you should scale to a version that allows you to move for that long.
  • We aren’t sprinting the 30 seconds, but we are moving at a moderate and steady pace that is sustainable across all 8 sets.


0:00 – 0:30 Run (moderate pace)
0:30 – 1:00 Rest
(repeat for 8 total rounds)

-immediately into-

8:00 – 8:30 Box Step Ups (24″/20″) (moderate pace)
8:30 – 9:00 Rest
(repeat for 8 total rounds)

-immediately into-

16:00 – 16:30 Double Unders/Line Hops (moderate pace)
16:30 – 17:00 Rest
(repeat for 8 total rounds)


  • Run —- do a run if you can, even if you just walk or fast walk for 30 seconds….do it!!!! That’s how you get better. But if you cannot due to weather or injury you can complete as High Knees or High Knees to Lateral Shuffle

Backpack Option

8 sets:
30 seconds Work, 30 second rest
Backpack Run (moderate pace)

-immediately into-

8 sets:
30 seconds Work, 30 second rest
Backpack Chair Step Ups (24″/20″) (moderate pace)

-immediately into-

30 seconds Work, 30 second rest
Hops over the Backpack (moderate pace)



8 sets:
30 seconds Work, 30 second rest
Standing Marches (moderate pace)

-immediately into-

8 sets:
30 seconds Work, 30 second rest
Step Up to Surface (moderate pace)

-immediately into-

30 seconds Work, 30 second rest
Step Jacks (moderate pace)

Mayhem Moms

8 sets:
30 seconds Work, 30 second rest
Run (moderate pace) OR High Knees to Lateral Shuffle

-immediately into-

8 sets:
30 seconds Work, 30 second rest
Box Step Up OR Lunge to Hip Extension (24″/20″) (moderate pace)

-immediately into-

30 seconds Work, 30 second rest
Slow and Controlled Line Hops (moderate pace)

Bonus Stretching

1:00 Pancake Stretch
1:00 Lunge to Elbow with Rotation (right)
1:00 Lunge to Elbow with Rotation (left)
1:00 Downward to Upward Dog Transitions
1:00 Alternating Calf Stretch
1:00 Bottom of the Squat Hold

Athletes Notes