2 Rounds
10 Ankle Circles (each)
10 Leg Swings (forward to backward) (each)
10 Leg Swings (side to side) (each)
5 Inchworm to Push Ups
5 Elbow to Floor Stretch (each)
2 Rounds of
20 second Run
20 second Hand Release Push Ups
20 second Sit Ups
Athletes Notes
AMRAP 20 Minutes
Max Distance Run
– every 4:00 (including the 0:00 mark) complete:
20 Hand Release Push Ups
20 Sit Ups
Athletes Notes
- Your score today is the total distance (in meters) that you ran. Here is a Miles to Meters Conversion link if needed.
Workout Strategy and Flow
- Main goal of the workout today is to stay moving and get back to the run as quickly as possible. With that in mind, the push ups and sit ups should not take us longer than 1:30-2:00.
- Be very aware of the total volume of push ups and sit ups you will see here (100 of each movement, coupled with the running).
- Keep your arms and shoulders loose in the run to prepare yourself for the next round of push ups.
- Hand Release Push Ups – it is going to be important that we don’t sacrifice form for speed. You should not worming your way off the ground, but instead you should think about pressing your chest and legs off the ground at the same time. If that’s not possible to do quickly and over the course of the entire workout, then I highly recommend starting with the scaling options of either:
- Sit Ups
At 3,2,1, go…..rather than starting on your run, you’re going to drop to the ground and quickly perform 20 Hand Release Push Ups and 20 Sit Ups. As soon as you are done with that you will go on your run. At the 4 minute mark, you will stop your run and do another set of the 20 + 20 work. Restart your run on the meter/distance you left off on. Keep repeating the stops at the 8, 12, etc… minute mark, until you have reached 20 minutes total.
- It is important to note that if you are running outside, aim to run in a 100m out and back section to help you keep track easier of how far you have run.
- If running scares you, make this a workout where you just run for 20 minutes and you don’t worry about a “score” at all. Don’t worry about how long a distance you get, just get used to being on your feet and jogging/running. You can plan to jog for 30 seconds, walk for 30 seconds and just get practice with running. That’s how we get better.
- If you don’t have a place to run due to weather or space, make this a 20 minute AMRAP of High Knees – every 4 minutes, stop and do the work required.
Backpack Option
AMRAP 20 Minutes
—Every 4:00, including the 0:00 mark
15 Hand Release Backpack Push Ups
15 Backpack Sit Up
(slightly less reps due to additional resistance from the backpack)
2 Minute Easy Walk
1:00 Frog Stretch
1:00 Couch Stretch (each)
:30 Downward to Upward Dog Transitions
Athletes Notes
Slightly different than how original workout is written.
AMRAP 20 Minutes of Standing Marches
—Every 4:00, including the 0:00 mark
20 Elevated Knee Push Ups
20 Quarter Sit Ups
(if you cannot complete the 20 + 20 in 2 minutes or less, then scale reps down to a number you can complete)
Mayhem Moms
AMRAP 20 Minutes of Skipping in Place
Every 4:00, including 0:00 perform:
20 Knee Push Ups or Incline Push Ups
20 Quarter Sit Ups