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“CFA Anywhere” WOD, November 27, 2024

“CFA Anywhere” – Wed, Nov 27

Short Warm Up

2 Rounds:
10 Bodyweight Calf Raises
15 seconds of Standing Marches
15 seconds of Butt Kicks

Athletes Notes

Extended Warm Up/Accessory (Checkmark)

AMRAP 6 Minutes
20 Jumping Jacks
5 Push Ups to Downward Dog (with 2 sec pause in downward dog)
10 Alternating Single Leg Glute Bridges
3 Burpees (every round go faster)

Athletes Notes

Bodyweight + Minimal: “Gobble ‘Til You Wobble” (5 Rounds for reps)

5 Sets:
20 Burpees
-rest 1:00 between sets-

Athletes Notes

Workout Strategy and Flow

  • Simple day today. Got our main burpee work for the week. This is going to be a no excuse workout for those who are traveling for Thanksgiving tomorrow.
  • This is going to be a workout that will allow for you to practice burpee speed and learning how you recover within this 1 minute window.
  • The biggest thing that I want for you to focus on is consistency across all 5 sets!!

20 Burpees
-rest 1:00-
20 Burpees
-rest 1:00-
20 Burpees
-rest 1:00-
20 Burpees
-rest 1:00-
20 Burpees


5 Sets:
20 Elevated Up Down with Jump
-rest 1:00 between sets-

Mayhem Moms

5 Sets:
20 Modified Burpee
-rest 1:00 between sets-

Bodyweight + Minimal: Core (Checkmark)

EMOM 6 Minutes
Minute 1: Unbroken Side Plank (left)
Minute 2: Unbroken Side Plank (right)
Minute 3: Rest

*as soon as you break you are done and should rest the remainder of the minute
Score = emoji, comment how long you held each time

Athletes Notes

Demo Video

  • Side Plank
  • What I want for you to do is hold for as long as you can. If you come down within the minute, then just rest during the remainder of the minute. If you can hold on for the entire 60 seconds, then flip over and try to do it again on the other side!!


0:00 – 1:00 Unbroken Side Plank (left)
1:00 – 2:00 Unbroken Side Plank (right)
2:00 – 3:00 Rest
3:00 – 4:00 Unbroken Side Plank (left)
4:00 – 5:00 Unbroken Side Plank (right)
5:00 – 6:00 Rest

Scaled and Mayhem Moms

If unable to perform Side Plank , scale to Knee Side Plank