EMOM x 8 MINUTES (:40 WORK / :20 OFF)
MIN 1 – Bike or Row(Increasing Speed)
MIN 2 -Tempo Deadlifts
MIN 3- Good Mornings / Glute Bridge-Ups
MIN 4 – Inchworm + Shoulder Taps / Push-Up to Pike
MIN 1 – 5 ‘Library’ Deadlifts*
MIN 2 – 3-5 Pressing Reps**
MIN 3 – :45 EZ Bike or Row
*Build to workout weight.
**Pressing Options…
(Hand Release) Push-Ups
DB Push Press
(Strict) Handstand Push-Ups
(No Measure)
50/40 Cal Bike or 70/55 Cal Row
-Immediately Into-
5 Handstand Push-Up
5 Deadlifts (225/155)*
-Immediately Into-
50/40 Cal Bike or 70/55 Cal Row
(Score is Time)
*Option to bump weight up to 255/175
KG BB: (100/70)
40/30 Cal Bike or 55/42 Cal Row
-Immediately Into-
5 DB Push Press (Athlete Choice)
5 Deadlifts (155/105)*
-Immediately Into-
40/30 Cal Bike or 55/42 Cal Row
(Score is Time)
*Option to bump weight up to 185/135
KG BB: (70/47.5)
MIN 1 – 5/5 Sciatic Nerve Floss
MIN 2 – 5/5 Half Kneeling KB Bottoms Up Single Arm Press
MIN 3 – :45 EZ Bike or Row
(No Measure)