2 Sept 2020
Metcon (Time)
1 Wall Walk
12 Alternating OH Lunges (95/65)[75/55]
1 Wall Walk
12 Alternating BR Lunges
1 Wall Walk
12 Alternating OH Lunges (95/65)[75/55]
1 Wall Walk
12 Alternating BR Lunges
CAP 15 Min
Core Work
Metcon (Time)
For Time
150 Sit-ups
150 Sit-ups
Class Clock
0-10 WU
10-14 WOD Demo/Prep
14-29 WOD
29-31 Recover
31-36 Core Work
36-43 Stretch
43-55 Cleanup
10-14 WOD Demo/Prep
14-29 WOD
29-31 Recover
31-36 Core Work
36-43 Stretch
43-55 Cleanup
OHL = Front Squats only if you physically cannot do OHL
You can also do this movement with a band or PVC if mobility is your issue and you would like to be able to do these one day