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CrossFit WOD, November 7, 2023

CrossFit – Tue, Nov 7



20 Bunny Hops or Single Unders

10 PVC Pass Throughs

10 Groiners + Twist

10 Air Squats


2 ROUNDS (Time Permitting)

30 Single Single High Jump (Double Unders Optional)

10 BB Elbow Punches

6 PVC Front Squats*

8 PVC Snatch Grip Push Press*

6 PVC OH Squats*

*Use a BB on RND 2.

Strength – Performance
Overhead Squat (ON A 22:00 RUNNING CLOCK…

Build to a 1-Rep Overhead Squat)

(Score is Weight)

Week 5 of 5

Strength | Wave-Loading Cycle

Strength – Fitness
Front Squat (ON A 22:00 RUNNING CLOCK…

Build to a 1-Rep Front Squat)

(Score is Weight)

Week 5 of 5

Strength | Wave-Loading Cycle

Workout – Performance
AMRAP x 8 MINUTES (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

1-2-3-and so on…

Front Squat (205/145)

20-30-40-and so on…

Double Unders

(Score is Rounds + Reps)

KG BB: (93/65)

Workout – Fitness
AMRAP x 8 MINUTES (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

1-2-3-and so on…

Front Squat (155/105)

40-50-60-and so on…

Single Unders

(Score is Rounds + Reps)

KG BB: (70/47.5)

Optional Cool Down

MIN 1 – 10 Elevated Calf Raises + 10 Tib Raises

MIN 2 – :45 Kneeling to Sit Stretch*

MIN 3 – :45 Empty Barbell Quad Smash

*Start in a kneeling position, on both knees. With big toes touching and laces towards the ground, slowly sit hips back down towards heels.

(No Measure)