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CrossFit WOD, May 6, 2021

6 May 2021

Power Snatch+Hang Snatch+Full Snatch (E90x5 sets (75-80%))

Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
3:00 on/1:00 off x4 sets
set 1:
50 DU
15 Snatches (95/65) [65/45]
AMRAP situps in remaining time

set 2:
50 DU
12 Snatches (115/75) [75/55]
AMRAP situps in remaining time

set 3:
50 DU
9 Snatches (135/95) [95/65]
AMRAP situps in remaining time

set 4:
50 DU
6 Snatches (155/105) [115/75]
AMRAP situps in remaining time

your score is your total number of situps

snatches can be squat or power