CrossFit WOD, March 19, 2020

19 Mar 2020

Accessory WK 8 (Weight)
3 Sets
5 Negative HSPU or 2-3 Wall Walks
10 DB Upright Rows
10 Single Leg DB DL per side
Rest 90 Seconds

Upright Rows

Active Fitness
3 Sets
5 Negative HSPU or 2-3 Wall Walks
10 DB Upright Rows
10 Single Leg DB Deadlifts per side
60-second Plank Work

Upright Rows

Metcon (Time)
10 Push Press (95/65) [75/55]
12 OH Lunges
30 DU’s

Active Fitness
Metcon (Time)
10 Wall Balls
10 Wall Ball V-ups
10 Wall Ball Power Cleans
10 Wall Ball Step-ups (onto box)
10 Wall Ball Jumping Jacks
10 Down and Backs Wall Ball Carry’s (across gym from rig to rig)

Only Perform the "Buy-out" once, after 3 rounds of the workout are complete

For Jumping Jacks, the Wall Ball should touch the ground then extend over head with straight arms