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CrossFit WOD, June 16, 2021

16 June 2021

Core Work
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
Tabata: (:20 on/:10 off x8 sets)
T2B (RX+) hanging leg raises [RX]
Abmat Situps

your score is the total number of reps between both movements.

Metcon (Time)
for time:
30 wallball (20/14)
30/27 cal row
-1 min rest-
25 wallball
25/21 cal row
-1 min rest-
20 wallball
20/15 cal row
-1 min rest-
15 wallball
15/12 cal row
-1 min rest-
10 wallball
10/9 cal row

20 min time cap (rest included)
Each portion is meant to be fast, if you’re concerned about being a bit slower on the rower, talk to your coach about scaling the calories back, and most importantly… work hard and have fun!
-Your friendly neighborhood Heathicus

Accessory Work
Strict Pullup (1xAMRAP)
after the metcon, lets see how many strict pullups you can do!

for those that do not have strict pullups, lets see how long you can do a Dead Hang from the bar!