CrossFit WOD, June 11, 2020

11 June 2020

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
16 Min AMRAP
200 Meter Run
12 Single Arm OH Lunge (Right)**
8 T2B
200 Meter Run
12 Single Arm OH Lunge (Left)
8 T2B

**If these hurt, scale to a front rack hold on that side
T2B scales, Leg raises or V-Ups

Handstand Hold**
1:00 Hold
:30 Rest
1:00 Hold
:30 Rest
1:00 Hold

**If you feel you can hold the full 4 minutes, push yourself to do that!

Scale to Plank Hold:
A. On elbow
B. With arms extended

Class Clock
0-10 WU
10-14 Demo / WOD Prep
14-30 WOD
30-33 Finisher Demo
33-37 Finisher
37-42 Stretch
42-55 Cleanup

:30 Sec in ea. position Right side Lunge (Hip/Thoracic/Hamstring)
:30 Sec in ea. position Left side
:20 Sec in ea. position Child’s Pose (C/L/R)
:30 Sec ea. side Pigeon Pose