5 PVC or Band Pass Throughs
5/5 Kneeling Hip Openers
10 Air Squats
10 Arm Haulers
1:00 Cardio Choice (EZ Pace)
:30 Wall Prayer Stretch*
10 Scap Push-Ups on forearms
5 Knee Push-Ups
10 Alt. Deadbugs
:30 Cardio Choice (mod-fast pace)
*Place elbows on the wall and walk feet back until a tripod is created. Then lean through your arms to stretch the triceps/ lats.
*Option for High-Bar Back Squat
Consider this is a primer for tomorrow’s OLY work. If you are not training tomorrow, use today to reinforce good mechanics. Use Light-Mod weight for all sets.
(Score is Weight)
Week 5 of 8 Oly Cycle
Cardio Choice*
*Cardio Choice Options:
250/225 Cal Row
200/175 Cal Bike
200/175 Cal Ski
**Every 3:00 not including 0:00, complete 15 Push-Ups + 15 Sit-Ups.
(Score is Time)
Cardio Choice*
*Cardio Choice Options:
200/175 Cal Row
150/125 Cal Bike
150/125 Cal Ski
**Every 3:00 not including 0:00, complete 8 Push-Ups + 12 Sit-Ups.
(Score is Time)
10 Banded Pull Aparts
10 Banded Ws
10 Banded High Pulls
100m Walk Outside
-Rest as Needed-
(No Measure)
*Consider this is a primer for tomorrow’s OLY work. If you are not training tomorrow, use today to reinforce good mechanics. Use Light-Mod weight for all sets.
(Score is Weight)
Week 5 of 8 Oly Cycle