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CrossFit WOD, January 8, 2025

CrossFit – Wed, Jan 8

Warm Up

1. Movement Prep/Activation

Banded 7s
6:00 AMRAP
30 second Jump Rope
10 Single Arm Alternating Dumbbell Bench Press
10 Deadbugs
5 Pike Push Ups

2. Strength
Build up to a Heavy 3-rep Pause Bench Press (2-3 seconds)
in 12-15 minutes

3. Workout Prep
1 set:
5 Push Ups
50m Run
4 Handstand Push Ups
50m Run
2 Strict Handstand Push Ups

Pause Bench Press (Weight)
*2-3 second pause at the bottom*

Build up to a Heavy 3-rep Pause Bench Press (2-3 second pause at bottom)
in 12-15 minutes

The Mole (Time)

Freedom (RX’d)
100m Run
10 Strict Handstand Push Ups
200m Run
20 Handstand Push Ups
300m Run
30 Push Ups
300m Run
20 Handstand Push Ups
200m Run
10 Strict Handstand Push Ups
100m Run

100m Run
8 Strict Handstand Push Ups or 10 kipping HSPU
200m Run
16 Handstand Push Ups
300m Run
24 Push Ups
300m Run
16 Handstand Push Ups
200m Run
8 Strict Handstand Push Ups or 10 kipping HSPU
100m Run

100m Run
10 Push Ups
200m Run
15 Bar Push Ups
300m Run
20 Dumbbell Push Press (light)
300m Run
15 Bar Push Ups
200m Run
10 Push Ups
100m Run

  • Target time: 11-13 minutes
  • Time cap: 15 minutes


3 minutes of easy cardio (this can be walk, a slow row, machine ride, etc.)

1 Minute Pec Stretch
2x 45 Second Ring Tricep Stretch
1 Minute Pec Minor Stretch

Note: the easy cardio portion should be done immediately post workout to help your body recover from the workout. The stretching can then be done together as a group, time permitting, or on your own as homework. Stretch videos are available in the athlete notes.