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CrossFit WOD, February 21, 2025

CrossFit – Fri, Feb 21

Warm Up

1. Movement Prep/Activation

2:00 Row
6:00 AMRAP
5 Roll and Reach
3 Inchworms
5 Muscle Cleans (empty bar)
5 Shoulder Press (empty bar)
30-second Jump Rope

2. Workout Prep
3 sets:
2 Clean and Jerks (build in weight)
5/4 Calorie Row (each)
10 Double Unders

Fireline Los Angeles (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

Freedom (RX’d)

Teams of 2
27:00 AMRAP
12 Clean and Jerks (135/95)
40/32 Calorie Row
180 Double Unders
(KG conv: 60/42.5)
-Split reps/calories as needed-

This workout was created to raise awareness about the devastating fires recently impacting LA. The workout numbers are significant:
-27 people died
-More than 12,000 structures burned
-Nearly 40,000 acres burned
-180,000 people evacuated at the peak

If you would like to donate towards affected communities/families (including gyms), please visit classy.org/give/655722/?preview=true#!/donation/checkout

Teams of 2
27:00 AMRAP
12 Clean and Jerks (115/85)
40/32 Calorie Row
180 Double Unders
(KG conv: 52.5/37.5)
-Split reps/calories as needed-

Teams of 2
27:00 AMRAP
12 Synchro Single Dumbbell Clean and Jerks (light)
40/32 Calorie Row
180 Single Unders
-Split reps/calories as needed-

No target score. Just move and work hard.

Mayhem Mini-Pump – Arms and Shoulders (Checkmark)

4 Rounds

12 Leaning Lateral Raise @ moderate weight – maintain quality
-rest 30 seconds-
10 Barbell Drag Curls @ moderate weight – maintain quality
-rest 30 seconds-
10 Tricep Dips @ moderate weight – maintain quality
-Rest 2 minutes between rounds-

* Instead of resting 30-seconds, athletes can partner up and go 1:1 on movements and advance together to the next station when their partner finishes.