200m Run
25’ High Kicks
25’ Cherry Pickers
25’ Walking Samson Lunges
25’ Rvs Walking Lunges w/twist
200m Run
25’ High Knees
25’ Butt Kickers
25’ Inch Worms
25’ Slinkies*
200m Run
25’ Toe Walk
25’ Heel Walk
25’ High Skips
25’ Broad Skips
*Like an Inch Worm, touch your toes and walk your hands to a Plank. Front the Plank, jump your feet back to your hands, like an Up-Down. Stand up and repeat.
10 Box Jumps / Step-Ups
8 Tib Raises + 8 Calf Raises
6/6 Single Arm Ring Rows
4 Scap Pull-Ups
MIN 1 – 200m Run
MIN 2 – 15 Box Jumps (24/20)
MIN 3 – 200m Run
MIN 4 – Max Rope Climbs
MIN 5 – Rest
(Score is Total Reps of Rope Climbs)
MIN 1 – 150m Run
MIN 2 – 10 Box Jumps (20)
MIN 3 – 150m Run
MIN 4 – Max Strict Pull-Ups or Ring Rows
MIN 5 – Rest
(Score is Total Reps of Pull-Ups or Ring Rows)
:30/:30 Half Pigeon on Box
15 Glute Bridge-Ups + :30 Glute Bridge Hold
100m EZ Walk
-Rest as Needed b/t Sets-
(No Measure)