8 Alt. Lunge + Twist
8 Tuck-Ups
8 Scap Pull-Ups
8 Kip Swings
7 Barbell RDLs
7 Barbell Deadlifts
7 Barbell High Pulls
7 Barbell Muscle Cleans or Snatches
*Athletes can choose between a Snatch or Clean grip.
Build to a 4-Rep Moderate Overhead Squat*
Build to a 4-Rep Moderate Front Squat*
*Weight should come from the Hang Position. Build slightly past workout weight.
(Score is Weight)
2 Hang Power Snatch (115/75)
4 Overhead Squat
8 Toes to Bar
24 Double Unders
(Score is Rounds + Reps)
KG BB: (52.5/35)
2 Hang Power Clean (115/75)
4 Front Squat
8 Toes to Something
48 Single Unders
(Score is Rounds + Reps)
KG BB: (52.5/35)
MIN1 – 5/5 Sciatic Nerve Floss
MIN 2 – 10 Alt. 90-90 Hip Rotations
MIN 3 – 5/5 Groiners w/Twist
*Deep lunge position and squeeze the glutes to drive the hips towards the floor. Rotate upper body towards the forward leg.
(No Measure)
*Weight should come from the Hang Position. Build slightly past workout weight.
(Score is Weight)