To successfully complete this challenge, you must complete all of the following tasks every day from September 1st – September 30th.
- Complete two 30 minute workouts (at least one workout MUST be outside)*
- Drink 2/3 of your bodyweight in ounces of water*
- Example: If you weigh 200 lbs, you will need to drink a minimum of 133 oz of water each day
- Read 10+ pages in a non-fiction book
- Consume zero alcohol for the entire 30 days
- Choose any diet and stick with it
- No cheat meals
- Take a daily progress picture
Optional – write in the comments which Diet / Meal Plan you are following 🙂
Yes…if this looks familiar it is because this is a condensed version of the 75 Hard program, which you may have heard of.
- You will log the number “7” if you completed the ENTIRE 7 bullet points
- Our hope is that every single day of September you are able to log a “7”
How does Mayhem 30 Hard work?
- This challenge is based on the honor system. We are pushing your mental limits for 30 days and asking that you honestly complete every single day as it is written.
What happens if you miss a day?
- In the original 75 Hard Challenge (which this challenge is based on), if you miss an item on any day, you would have to start the entire challenge over with Day 1. For the sake of this challenge, we are asking that you try your best to complete every single day as it’s written for the entire 30 days. However, if you miss a day, we understand. Just comment on what part you missed and how you’re going to ensure that you don’t miss that part tomorrow.
We do two 30-minute workouts a day?
- Yes. We recommend that one of these workouts is from Mayhem Programming (M30, M60, Bodybuilding, etc.) and that the other is an outdoor physical activity such as going for a walk/jog/run, playing a sport, playing with your kids, yoga, etc. Another Mayhem Workout works too. Just remember that at least one of your workouts needs to be outside.
What diet should I do?
- You choose the diet you want to stick with for 30 days. It could be tracking macros, logging your food, Intermittent Fasting, Paleo, Whole 30, etc. Pick something that you feel you can stick with for 30 days. If the listed options all sound too overwhelming, you can choose a habit-based diet approach by setting up a few habits for your personalized diet that you need to adhere to. For example, “no snacks after dinner”. Habits are a great way to diet in a way that can be customized to work best for you and allow you to be successful.
- Another great option, if you’re unsure where to start, is to log your food in the app “My Fitness Pal” for 30 days. This is a great way to start to understand if you’re eating too much or too little and to see patterns in how you can improve your diet in the future.
What if I want to do 75 Hard?
- If you wish to take it a step further and use this opportunity to begin 75 Hard, we recommend reading further into 75 Hard so that you can ensure you are following their standards. Mayhem 30 Hard is an altered version of this challenge. You can read about the full challenge here.
On a 3:00 Clock
10 Calf Raises
15 Tibialias Raise
10 Reverse Snow Angels
5 Inchworm to Push Up
Athletes Notes
- Calf Raises
- Tibialis Raises – great exercise for strengthening the front muscle of the shin. This is a great exercise to help prevent knee injuries.
- Reverse Snow Angels
- Inchworm to Pushup
*Athlete chooses between Line Hops, Single Unders, Double Unders or Crossovers
Unbroken Version of Jump Rope
*must reset between each before attempting the next set. If you do not complete unbroken, you must try that number again.
Time Cap: 7 Minutes
Athletes Notes
- Each rep number must be completed unbroken.
- Yes, you must stop after each number to reset before starting the next number.
- If you do not complete unbroken, you must try that number again. If you have to redo a number more than 2 times, then it is best for you to either lower the rep scheme or try a different style of jump rope.
Unbroken Version of Jump Rope
Demo Videos
Unbroken Object Toe Taps
Mayhem Moms
Unbroken Slow and Controlled Line Hops or Slow and Controlled Plate Hops
For Time
3 Rounds
300m Run
10 Towel Rows or Banded Bent Over Rows (5 Strict Pull Ups)
-Rest 3 minutes-
3 Rounds:
300m Run
15 Hand Release Push Ups
-Rest 3 minutes-
3 Rounds
10 Towel Rows or Banded Bent Over Rows (5 Strict Pull Ups)
15 Hand Release Push Ups
*Time Cap Per Set: 5 Minutes
Athletes Notes
In Loving Memory of Lazar Ðukić
- Today we will do a very loose version of a workout that Lazar wrote a couple years ago. You can find the full version in Mayhem 60 if you wish to perform it exactly.
- Today, may this workout serve as a reminder that you GET TO show up and sweat and workout today. You have breath in your lungs and your have another day ahead of you. Tomorrow is not promised. Tell those you know that you love them…every chance you get!
- Lazar’s memory & legacy will forever be etched into the hearts of the Mayhem and CrossFit communities.
Workout Strategy and Flow
- Each 3 round part will have a time cap of 5 minutes.
- Run – let your goal for each 300m run to be finished around the 90 second mark! You are going to get 3 minutes to rest, so you can push the pace a bit here.
- Towel Rows or Banded Bent Over Row – aim to be able to complete 5 reps or more unbroken each time. If you have the strength/skill, you can complete as 5 Strict Pull Up. Keep in mind this will accumulate to 30 total strict pull ups.
- Hand Release Push Ups – I would advise to go in with a plan of how to break these up. You will be completing 90 total of these today. Sets of 5 might be ideal to ensure you stay moving. Make any rest that you take very quick, getting right back to work!
- The final part of this workout will be an ARM PUMP. Embrace it. You’re almost done.
- Run —> Run for 90 seconds no matter the distance. Or you can even complete this as 30 second walk, 30 second run, 30 second walk. If you need to switch this out for High Knees due to injury or weather, you may.
- Hand Release Push Ups –> Knee Push Ups or Incline Push Ups
Backpack Option
For Time
3 Rounds
300m Backpack Run
10 Backpack Bent Over Row
-Rest 3 minutes-
3 Rounds:
300m Backpack Run
15 Backpack Push Ups
-Rest 3 minutes-
3 Rounds
10 Backpack Bent Over Row
15 Backpack Push Ups
3 Rounds
300m Run
10 Dumbbell Bent Over Rows (2×50/35)
-Rest 3 minutes-
3 Rounds:
300m Run
15 Hand Release Push Ups
-Rest 3 minutes-
3 Rounds
10 Dumbbell Bent Over Rows (2×50/35)
15 Hand Release Push Ups
*Time Cap Per set: 5 Minutes
Athletes Notes
In Loving Memory of Lazar Ðukić
- Today we will do a very loose version of a workout that Lazar wrote a couple years ago. You can find the full version in Mayhem 60 if you wish to perform it exactly.
- Today, may this workout serve as a reminder that you GET TO show up and sweat and workout today. You have breath in your lungs and your have another day ahead of you. Tomorrow is not promised. Tell those you know that you love them…every chance you get!
- Lazar’s memory & legacy will forever be etched into the hearts of the Mayhem and CrossFit communities.
Workout Strategy and Flow
- Each 3 round part will have a time cap of 5 minutes.
- Run – let your goal for each 300m run to be finished around the 90 second mark! You are going to get 3 minutes to rest, so you can push the pace a bit here.
- Double Dumbbell Bent Over Row – select a weight that you can complete at least 5 unbroken.
- Hand Release Push Ups – I would advise to go in with a plan of how to break these up. You will be completing 90 total of these today. Sets of 5 might be ideal to ensure you stay moving. Make any rest that you take very quick, getting right back to work!
- The final part of this workout will be an ARM PUMP. Embrace it. You’re almost done.
- Run —> Run for 90 seconds no matter the distance. Or you can even complete this as 30 second walk, 30 second run, 30 second walk. If you need to switch this out for High Knees due to injury or weather, you may.
- Hand Release Push Ups –> Knee Push Ups or Incline Push Ups
Mayhem Moms
3 Rounds
1:30 Controlled Skipping in Place or High Knees to Lateral Shuffle
10 Double Dumbbell Bent Over Row
-Rest 3 minutes-
3 Rounds:
1:30 Controlled Skipping in Place or High Knees to Lateral Shuffle
15 Knee Push Ups or Incline Push Ups
-Rest 3 minutes-
3 Rounds
10 Double Dumbbell Bent Over Row
15 Knee Push Ups or Incline Push Ups
For Time
3 Rounds
1:30 of Standing Marches OR Step Jacks
10 Towel Rows or Banded Bent Over Row
-Rest 3 minutes-
3 Rounds:
1:30 of Standing Marches OR Step Jacks
15 Elevated Knee Push Ups
-Rest 3 minutes-
3 Rounds
10 Towel Rows or Banded Bent Over Row
15 Elevated Knee Push Ups
Mayhem Moms
3 Rounds
1:30 Controlled Skipping in Place or High Knees to Lateral Shuffle
10 Towel Rows or Banded Bent Over Row
-Rest 3 minutes-
3 Rounds:
1:30 Controlled Skipping in Place or High Knees to Lateral Shuffle
15 Knee Push Ups or Incline Push Ups
-Rest 3 minutes-
3 Rounds
10 Towel Rows or Banded Bent Over Row
15 Knee Push Ups or Incline Push Ups