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“CFA Anywhere” WOD, November 6, 2024

“CFA Anywhere” – Wed, Nov 6

Warm Up

Shorter today because of Extended Warm Up

2 Rounds:
20 seconds of Cat Cow
20 seconds of Elbow to Floor Stretch (left)
20 seconds of Elbow to Floor Stretch (right)

Athletes Notes

Extended Warm Up/Accessory (Checkmark)

AMRAP 7 Minutes
20 Jumping Jacks
5 Inchworm to Push Up
5 Single Leg Glute Bridges (each)
90/90 Hip Opener
3 Burpees (every round go faster)

Athletes Notes

Bodyweight + Minimal: Burpee Test (Time)

For Time: 100 Burpees

Goal: 12-15 Burpees per minute.
RX+: 15-20 Burpees per minute

Athletes Notes


I am not going to give you a time cap today for the test. I genuinely want you to push yourself to find where you are at in your 100 Burpees for time. HOWEVER, I want you to be realistic in your scoring. If you cannot get at least 8 burpee reps per minute consistently then I do want us to be mindful that scaling the burpee might actually be the best way to ensure we maintain the stimulus. SCALING IS NOT BAD! Scaling makes us better in time!!!!

Workout Strategy and Flow

  • You read that right folks. 100 burpees for time is our test for this cycle.
  • The goal of this test is to get you so good at burpees – the movement and the breathing within the movement – that we teach you how to make burpees a rest movement for you
  • Burpees – the ultimate opportunity to use my motto of lay down, stand up, jump.
  • This is going to be a BIG mental challenge. There aren’t going to be periods of rest. You are going to keep moving consistently.


  • First 50 reps, should be smooth and steady. Focus on your breathing.
  • At rep 50, you should begin to pick up the pace. You may not feel like you are going faster, but you will have to work harder to go the same pace or slightly faster.
  • If you get to rep 80 and you are feeling good, push the pace and leave it all out there.


For Time: 100 Elevated Up Down with Jump

Mayhem Moms

For Time: 100 Modified Burpee or if needed 100 Modified Burpee- elevated with knee drive

Bodyweight + Minimal: Click (Checkmark)

4 sets:
30 L-Crunches
15 Leg Lifts
60 second Plank
-rest 1:00 between sets-

Athletes Notes

Workout Strategy and Flow

  • Ending our day with a core burner!!!! Get ready for it. The plank is going to be tough. Can you maintain 60 seconds without breaking.

30 L-Crunches, 15 Leg Lifts, 60 second Plank
-rest 1:00-
30 L-Crunches, 15 Leg Lifts, 60 second Plank
-rest 1:00-
30 L-Crunches, 15 Leg Lifts, 60 second Plank
-rest 1:00-
30 L-Crunches, 15 Leg Lifts, 60 second Plank

  • L Crunches
  • Leg Lifts
  • Plank – don’t let your butt shoot up or hang down. Keep your body as straight as a board!! If you have to come down for a quick break, get back up quickly to finish out your 60 seconds.


4 sets:
30 Quarter Sit Ups
15 Modified Flutter Kick
60 second Knee Plank
-rest 1:00 between sets-

Mayhem Moms

4 sets:
30 Modified L-Crunch
15 Modified Flutter Kick
60 second Plank
-rest 1:00 between sets-