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“CFA Anywhere” WOD, June 18, 2024

“CFA Anywhere” – Tue, Jun 18

Longer Warm Up

On a 7:00 Clock

First 5:00 Complete:
25ft Walk Forwards on Toes
25ft Walk Backwards on Toes
25ft Walking Hamstring Stretch
2 Inchworms to Push Ups
5 Pause Single Leg Glute Bridge (each) (pause for 2 seconds at top of each)
2 Box Step Ups (each) + 2 Box Jump Overs

Last 2:00 Complete
20 seconds of Burpees
20 seconds of Shuttle Runs (practice transition)
2 FAST Burpee Box Jump Overs

Athletes Notes

Bodyweight + Minimal: Whatchamacallit (8 Rounds for reps)

8 Sets @ fast pace
6 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24″/20″)
4 Shuttle Sprints (50ft)
-rest 2:00 between sets-

**See Workout Prep Notes for Time Cap and “Fast Pace” explanation

Athletes Notes


  • We are scoring the time it takes us to complete the 6 Burpee Box Jump Overs + 4 Shuttle Sprints

(Meaning with rest between sets, the 8 sets should not take you longer than 22 minutes.)

Workout Strategy and Flow

  • This is meant to be at a fast pace every time. Fast being a 90% effort!! Are you able to maintain the same speed across sets? Can you go even fast in the final sets? Let’s see 🙂
  • Do NOT cut your rest short. At first it may feel like too long of a rest, but as the sets/volume build your body will need it in order to maintain a consistent speed across sets.
  • Burpee Box Jump Over – focus here on popping up off the floor as soon as your chest touches the ground. We want to be fast over the box, but not reckless. I don’t want to hear about any bloddy shins.
  • Shuttle Run – FAST pace here. Focus on quick transitions. 1 rep is down 25ft and back 25ft. Try to face the same way/same wall the entire time you do these so you aren’t spinning in a circle.


Backpack Option

8 Sets @ fast pace
6 Backpack Burpee Box Jump Overs (24″/20″)
4 Backpack Shuttle Sprints (50ft)
-rest 2:00 between sets-


8 Sets @ fast pace
6 Elevated Up Down with Jump
6 Step Up to Surface
20 second quick Step Jacks
-rest 2:00 between sets-

Mayhem Moms

8 Sets @ fast pace
6 Low Box/Plate Burpee Jump Overs OR Elevated Burpee Step Overs
20 second FAST High Knees to Lateral Shuffle
-rest 2:00 between sets-

Bonus Stretching

:30 Wrist Stretches (moving through the ones shown in video)
1:00 Lying Glute Stretch (each)
1:00 Pancake Stretch

Athletes Notes