3 rounds
10 Front to Back Leg Swings (each)
25ft Walk Forwards on Toes
25ft Walk Backwards on Toes
25ft Walking Hamstring Stretch
25ft Samson Lunge Stretch
25ft Bunny Hops
…then into..
2 Rounds:
2 Shuttle Sprints (50ft)
10 Scap Only Push Ups
3 Push Ups to Downward Dog
Athletes Notes
- Front to Back Leg Swings
- Walk Forwards on Toes
—-same thing but now walk backwards - Walking Hamstring Stretch
- Walking Samson Lunge Stretch
- Bunny Hops
If you don’t have the space to do all of that complete it standing in place!!!
5 sets @ fast pace:
5 Shuttle Sprint (50ft)
10 Push Ups*
100ft Object Farmers Carry or 40 Second Plank Knee to Elbows
-rest 2:00 between sets-
*Push Up Variation changes each time:
Set 1: Hand Release Push Ups
Set 2: Wide Push Ups
Set 3: Diamond Push Ups
Set 4: Wide Push Ups
Set 5: Hand Release Push Ups
Athletes Notes
Workout Strategy and Flow
- These 5 sets are meant to be done at a fast pace!!! You should desire the 2:00 rest each time and be ready to rock and roll at the beginning of the next set. (Don’t rush your rest here)
- Shuttle Run – down 25ft and back 25ft is 1 rep (for 50ft total). These are meant to be done FAST which is why I called them a shuttle sprint.
- Push Ups – Woohoo, this is where the excitement comes in. The push up style will vary each set. Ideally you are completing these 10 quickly and unbroken. If you need to shake it out, you would only stop 1 time. Any more times you have to stop, you should scale to one of the sub options seen below in the Substitution section.
- Hand Release Push Ups: do NOT worm yourself off the ground. Keep your core and butt tight and lift yourself off the ground all at once!
- Wide Push Ups: elbow closer to 90 degrees
- Diamond Pushups: the most challenging version of the push ups here.
- Object Farmers Carry – complete these in same set up as shuttle run (down 25ft and back 25ft then repeat for 100 total feet. Focus on keeping your core tight and shoulders up right. OR You can also perform as 40 second Plank Knee to Elbow
5 Shuttle Sprints, 10 Hand Release Push Ups, 100ft Object Farmers Carry
-rest 2:00-
5 Shuttle Sprints, 10 Wide Push Ups, 100ft Object Farmers Carry
-rest 2:00-
5 Shuttle Sprints, 10 Diamond Push Ups, 100ft Object Farmers Carry
-rest 2:00-
5 Shuttle Sprints, 10 Wide Push Ups, 100ft Object Farmers Carry
-rest 2:00-
5 Shuttle Sprints, 10 Hand Release Push Ups, 100ft Object Farmers Carry
- Push Up Scaling Options:
Backpack Option
5 sets @ fast pace:
5 Backpack Shuttle Sprint (50ft)
10 Backpack Push Ups –see below
40 Second Backpack Plank
-rest 2:00 between sets-
*Push Up Variation changes each time:
Set 1: Backpack Hand Release Push Ups
Set 2: Backpack Wide Push Ups
Set 3: Backpack Diamond Push Ups
Set 4: Backpack Wide Push Ups
Set 5: Backpack Hand Release Push Ups
5 sets @ fast pace:
5 Shuttle Sprint (50ft)
10 Push Ups*
100ft Dumbbell Farmers Carry (2×50/35)
-rest 2:00 between sets-
*Push Up Variation changes each time:
Set 1: Hand Release Push Ups
Set 2: Wide Push Ups
Set 3: Diamond Push Ups
Set 4: Wide Push Ups
Set 5: Hand Release Push Ups
Athletes Notes
Workout Strategy and Flow
- These 5 sets are meant to be done at a fast pace!!! You should desire the 2:00 rest each time and be ready to rock and roll at the beginning of the next set. (Don’t rush your rest here)
- Shuttle Run – down 25ft and back 25ft is 1 rep (for 50ft total). These are meant to be done FAST which is why I called them a shuttle sprint.
- Push Ups – Woohoo, this is where the excitement comes in. The push up style will vary each set. Ideally you are completing these 10 quickly and unbroken. If you need to shake it out, you would only stop 1 time. Any more times you have to stop, you should scale to one of the sub options seen below in the Substitution section.
- Hand Release Push Ups: do NOT worm yourself off the ground. Keep your core and butt tight and lift yourself off the ground all at once!
- Wide Push Ups: elbow closer to 90 degrees
- Diamond Pushups: the most challenging version of the push ups here.
- Double Dumbbell Farmer’s Carry – complete these in same set up as shuttle run (down 25ft and back 25ft then repeat for 100 total feet. Focus on keeping your core tight and shoulders up right.
5 Shuttle Sprints, 10 Hand Release Push Ups, 100ft Dumbbell Farmers Carry
-rest 2:00-
5 Shuttle Sprints, 10 Wide Push Ups, 100ft Dumbbell Farmers Carry
-rest 2:00-
5 Shuttle Sprints, 10 Diamond Push Ups, 100ft Dumbbell Farmers Carry
-rest 2:00-
5 Shuttle Sprints, 10 Wide Push Ups, 100ft Dumbbell Farmers Carry
-rest 2:00-
5 Shuttle Sprints, 10 Hand Release Push Ups, 100ft Dumbbell Farmers Carry
- Push Up Scaling Options:
Mayhem Moms
5 sets @ fast pace:
30 seconds of High Knees to Lateral Shuffle
10 Push Ups–see below
100ft Double Dumbbell Farmer’s Carry – if needed change to 40 second hold in place
-rest 2:00 between sets-
*Push Up Variation changes each time:
Set 1: Knee Push Ups or Incline Push Ups
Set 2: Wide Knee Push Ups or Wide Incline Push Ups
Set 3: Diamond Knee Push Ups or Diamond Incline Push Ups
Set 4: Knee Push Ups or Incline Push Ups
Set 5: Wide Knee Push Ups or Wide Incline Push Ups
1:00 Walk
1:00 Scorpion Stretch (each)
1:00 Pigeon Stretch (each)
Athletes Notes
5 sets @ fast pace:
30 second Standing Marches
10 Elevated Knee Push Ups
100ft Object Farmers Carry or 40 Second Knee Plank
-rest 2:00 between sets-
Mayhem Moms
5 sets @ fast pace:
30 seconds of High Knees to Lateral Shuffle
10 Push Ups–see below
100ft Object Farmers Carry – if needed change to 40 second Modified Plank Knee to Elbow
-rest 2:00 between sets-
*Push Up Variation changes each time:
Set 1: Knee Push Ups or Incline Push Ups
Set 2: Wide Knee Push Ups or Wide Incline Push Ups
Set 3: Diamond Knee Push Ups or Diamond Incline Push Ups
Set 4: Knee Push Ups or Incline Push Ups
Set 5: Wide Knee Push Ups or Wide Incline Push Ups