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“CFA Anywhere” WOD, July 9, 2024

“CFA Anywhere” – Tue, Jul 9

Warm Up

5:00 Clock
10 Alternating Deadbugs
10 second Hollow Hold or Boat Hold
10 Leg Swings (forward and backward – each)
5 Elbow to Floor Lunge Stretch (each)
15 Tibialis Raises
20 seconds of Box Step Ups

Athletes Notes

Bodyweight + Minimal: Catching Fire (6 Rounds for reps)

6 sets @ fast pace
10 Strict Sit Ups
10 Box Jumps (24/20)
10 Strict Sit Ups
-rest 2:00 between sets-

RX+ Option: V-Ups

Athletes Notes

Workout Strategy and Flow

  • Each of these sets should be done at a FAST pace, think 85-90% effort. You should NEED the 2 minutes rest each time to fully recover so you can hit the next set just as hard. We are aiming for consistent times across the sets
  • Strict Sit Up – hands crossed, legs straight…this forces you to isolate the core during this movement. You cannot use momentum to bring yourself up.
  • Box Jumps – these are jumps NOT jump overs. Which means to complete the rep, you should stand up tall on the box, squeezing your booty.


Backpack Option

6 sets @ fast pace
10 Backpack Sit Up
10 Box Jumps (24/20) (no backpack)
10 Backpack Sit Up
-rest 2:00 between sets-


6 sets @ fast pace
10 Quarter Sit Ups
10 Step Up to Surface
10 Quarter Sit Ups
-rest 2:00 between sets-

Mayhem Moms

6 sets @ fast pace
10 Quarter Sit Ups or if needed scale to Modified Alternating Leg V Ups
10 Modified Tuck Jump
10 Quarter Sit Ups or if needed scale to Modified Alternating Leg V Ups
-rest 2:00 between sets-

Longer Cool Down – Enjoy!

6 Minute Clock:
1:00 Frog Stretch
1:00 Elbow to Floor Stretch with Rotation (Left)
1:00 Elbow to Floor Stretch with Rotation (Right)
1:00 Pancake Stretch
1:00 Leaning Child’s Pose (left)
1:00 Leaning Child’s Pose (right)

Athletes Notes