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“CFA Anywhere” WOD, July 4, 2024

“CFA Anywhere” – Thu, Jul 4

Warm Up

2 Rounds:
20 Tibialis Raises
10 Peterson Step Ups (each)
10 Calf Raises
3 Push Ups to Downward Dog – pause for 3 seconds in downward dog

2 Rounds:
3 No Push Up Burpees OR 3 Burpee Dumbbell Deadlifts
3 Tuck Jumps OR 3 Double Dumbbell Snatches

1 Round:
2 Burpee with Push Up OR 1 Dumbbell Devil Press
5 Sit Ups
10 Line Hops or Single Unders

Athletes Notes

Bodyweight Metcon
Bodyweight: Independence Day (Time)

7 Rounds
4 Burpees with Strict Push Up
17 Sit Ups
76 Line Hops

Time Cap: 20 Minutes

Athletes Notes

Workout Strategy and Flow

  • Biggest things to keep in mind here: VOLUME !!! You may see small numbers like 4 and 17 but over the course of 7 rounds this will add up quickly. This means you need to pace yourself well.
  • Burpees with Strict Push Ups – these are different than typical burpees. Usually with a burpee, you just need to flop down on the ground and make sure your chest touches and then peel yourself up off the floor. Today I am requiring that your burpees actually be a push up!!!
    • if necessary see the substitution options below.
  • Sit Ups – smooth is fast here. Keep a sustainable pace. You might want to break these up into 2 sets (perhaps 9+8 or 10+7)
  • Line Hops – typical side to side line hops. Focus on quick feet and controlling your breathing. These will definitely add up over 7 rounds.


Backpack Option

7 Rounds
4 Backpack Devil Press
17 Backpack Sit Ups
76 Hops over the Backpack


7 Rounds
4 Elevated Up Down with Jump
17 Quarter Sit Ups
76 Step Jacks

Mayhem Moms

7 Rounds
4 Elevated Burpee with Strict Push Up
17 Quarter Sit Ups
76 Slow and Controlled Line Hops

Minimal Metcon
Minimal: Independence Day (Time)

7 Rounds
4 Dumbbell Devil Press (2×50/35)
17 Sit Ups
76 Single Unders

Time Cap: 20 Minutes

Athletes Notes

Workout Strategy and Flow

  • Biggest things to keep in mind here:
    • 1) GRIP – the dumbbells + the jump rope will make this grippy.
    • 2) VOLUME – you may see small numbers like 4 and 17 but over the course of 7 rounds this will add up quickly. This means you need to pace yourself well.
  • Dumbbell Devil Press – rest at the bottom of the devil press, but not for too long. Use those hips to get those dumbbells up overhead. Should take you less than 30 seconds each time to do these.
  • Sit Ups – smooth is fast here. Keep a sustainable pace. You might want to break these up into 2 sets (perhaps 9+8 or 10+7)
  • Single Unders – these are RX today. If you end up doing Double Unders that will be considered scaled. Use this opportunity to practice single under speed and going “back to the basics”

Mayhem Moms

7 Rounds
4 Elevated Modified Devil Press
17 Quarter Sit Ups
76 Slow and Controlled Line Hops

Bonus Stretching

2 Rounds
:30 Runners Stretch
1:00 Lat Stretch on Box – lean in deeper as the time goes on
:30 Alternating Scorpion Stretch

Athletes Notes