I often mention this in the Thursday Workout Videos, but in case you’re new:
We offer workouts every Thursday in this track 😊. We have done this for people who:
– Missed a different day of the week, but are able to workout today
– Need a travel or hotel-friendly workout on Thursdays
– Want to stay disciplined and show up on Thursdays for 30 minutes.
Remember, if you need rest today, take it! If you prefer an active recovery day, complete this at a low to moderate intensity. Don’t worry about your leaderboard score and maybe even stick to the bodyweight version today.
Feeling fantastic today? Give it your all!
5:00 Clock
20 seconds of Standing Marches
10 second Hollow Hold or Boat Hold
10 Deadbug
5 Single Leg Glute Bridge (each)
5 Jumping Split Squats (each)
Athletes Notes
For Time:
Bodyweight Split Squat (each)
Sit Ups*
*RX+ Option: Strict Sit Ups
Athletes Notes
Workout Strategy and Flow
- Be smart about the way you start this workout. The lunge ladder climbs while the sit up ladder descends.
- Bodyweight Split Squat – BOTH feet are planted on the ground – these are difference than a Bulgarian split squat. (no foot will be elevated today). Keep in mind that the bulk of these are in the back half of this workout. This will be 100 split squats per leg.
- I would recommend taking short quick breaks in the split squats early!!!
- Sit Ups
- RX+ Option:Strict Sit Up – remember this is arms crossed and legs straight – not using any momentum…just your core!!
10 Split Squats (left), 10 Split Squats (right), 40 Sit Ups, 20 Split Squats (left), 20 Split Squats (right),30 Sit Ups, 30 Split Squats (left), 30 Split Squats (right), 20 Sit Ups, 40 Split Squats (left), 40 Split Squats (right), 10 Sit Ups
For Time:
Wall Assisted Split Squats (each)
Quarter Sit Ups
Mayhem Moms
For Time:
Bodyweight Split Squat (each)
Quarter Sit Ups or Heel Taps
For Time:
Dumbbell Step Back Lunges (50/35)
Sit Ups*
*RX+ Option: Strict Sit Ups
Athletes Notes
Workout Strategy and Flow
- Be smart about the way you start this workout. The lunge ladder climbs while the sit up ladder descends.
- Single Dumbbell Step Back Lunges – you may hold the dumbbell however you would like. Every step back counts as a rep. Keep in mind that the bulk of these lunges are in the back half of this workout.
- Sit Ups
- RX+ Option:Strict Sit Up – remember this is arms crossed and legs straight – not using any momentum…just your core!!
10 Dumbbell Step Back Lunges, 40 Sit Ups, 20 Dumbbell Step Back Lunges, 30 Sit Ups, 30 Dumbbell Step Back Lunges, 20 Sit Ups, 40 Dumbbell Step Back Lunges, 10 Sit Ups
Mayhem Moms
For Time:
Dumbbell Split Lunge (half on each side)
Quarter Sit Ups or Heel Taps
Finishing with Strength today 🙂
3 sets:
15 Pause Bodyweight Bent Over Reverse Flies* (pause for 2 seconds at top)
15 Chair Dips
-rest 90 seconds between sets-
*RX+ Option: if you have access to light dumbbells, use that.
Athletes Notes
Demo Videos
- Pause Bodyweight Bent Over Reverse Flies
- RX+ Option: if you have access you can use light dumbbells
- Chair Dip
15 Pause Bodyweight Bent Over Reverse Flies* (pause for 2 seconds at top)
15 Chair Dips
-rest 90 seconds-
15 Pause Bodyweight Bent Over Reverse Flies* (pause for 2 seconds at top)
15 Chair Dips
-rest 90 seconds-
15 Pause Bodyweight Bent Over Reverse Flies* (pause for 2 seconds at top)
15 Chair Dips
Scaled and Mayhem Moms
3 sets:
15 Pause Bodyweight Bent Over Reverse Flies (pause for 2 seconds at top)
15 Wall Tricep Push Up
-rest 90 seconds-
2 Rounds:
30 second Fragon Stretch (left)
30 second Fragon Stretch (right)
30 seconds Alternating Scorpion Stretch
Athletes Notes