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“CFA Anywhere” WOD, July 23, 2024

“CFA Anywhere” – Tue, Jul 23

Warm Up

4:00 Clock
5 Pause Scorpions (each) (2 second pause)
10 Prone Y Raises
5 Inchworms to Push Up
10 Glute Bridges
20 seconds of Jog

Minimal: After 5:00 Clock, complete 2 Single Dumbbell Devil Press and 2 Single Dumbbell Burpee Power Cleans

Athletes Notes

Bodyweight + Minimal: Strength (Checkmark)

3 sets for quality:
4 Hand Release Push Ups + 2 Wall Walks + 4 Hand Release Push Ups
-rest 1:30 between sets-

Athletes Notes


  • Score with an emoji today. I wanted to give you more than just a check box so that you could write notes in your score comment section incase you chose to scale. This way you can write down the scaling version you did.

Demo Video


This should all be done in the same set up position you would be in if you are about to start a wall walk. You will perform 4 hand release push ups, then go into your full walk walks, after your 2nd wall walk is complete and you get back to the ground, you will perform an additional 4 hand release push ups.

4 Hand Release Push Ups + 2 Wall Walks + 4 Hand Release Push Ups
-rest for 1:30 seconds-
4 Hand Release Push Ups + 2 Wall Walks + 4 Hand Release Push Ups
-rest for 1:30 seconds-
4 Hand Release Push Ups + 2 Wall Walks + 4 Hand Release Push Ups

Scaling Options

If you need to scale the push ups to knee push ups, then complete the sequence as:


3 sets for Quality:
4 Elevated Knee Push Ups + 10 Bear Crawl Alternating Shoulder Taps (L+R=1) + 4 Elevated Knee Push Ups
-rest 1:30 between sets-

Mayhem Moms

3 sets for Quality:
4 Incline Push Ups + 2 Elevated Box Walks + 4 Incline Push Ups
-rest 1:30 between sets-

Bodyweight Metcon
Bodyweight: Paris, France (3 Rounds for reps)

3 sets:
10 Burpee to Target
100m Run
10 Burpee Jumping Lunge
100m Run
-rest 2:00 between sets-

Time cap per set: 4:30 Minutes

Athletes Notes

Workout Strategy and Flow

  • This is a fun way to spend a Tuesday. We have running coupled with a dumbbell + burpee combo movement.
  • Burpee to Target – the jump at the end of each of these burpees is aiming for height. The target should force you to jump. Remember it can be anything (a door frame, a tree branch, a spot on your wall or a rig if you have access)
  • Burpee Jumping Lunge – the jump at the end of these burpees is transitioning into a jumping lunge. 1 rep is a burpee + jumping lunge on the left leg + jumping lunge on the right leg.
  • You should rest very minimally in the bottom of the burpee position.
  • For the runs, aim to stay at or under 30 seconds for every 100m.


  • Run
    • Option 1) For every Run, complete 30 seconds of running no matter the distance
    • Option 2) For every Run, complete 10 second Run, 10 second walk, 10 second Run
    • Option 3) Complete 30 seconds of High Knees or Skipping in Place
  • Burpee Jumping Lunge –> you can complete as a Burpee + Step Back Lunge


3 sets:
10 Elevated Up Down with Jump
30 Step Jacks
10 Elevated Up Down with Jump
10 Wall Assisted Step Back Lunges (total)
30 Step Jacks
-rest 2:00 between sets-

Mayhem Moms

3 sets:
10 Modified Burpee
30 seconds of Controlled Skater Side Jumps or Skipping in Place
10 Modified Burpee Jumping Lunge
30 seconds of Controlled Skater Side Jumps or Skipping in Place
-rest 2:00 between sets-

Minimal Metcon
Minimal: Paris, France (3 Rounds for reps)

3 sets:
10 Alternating Single Dumbbell Devil Press (50/35)
100m Run
10 Alternating Single Dumbbell Burpee Power Cleans (50/35)
100m Run
-rest 2:00 between sets-

Time cap per set: 4:30 Minutes

Athletes Notes

Workout Strategy and Flow

  • This is a fun way to spend a Tuesday. We have running coupled with a dumbbell + burpee combo movement.
  • The Single Dumbbell Devil Press is common to see in At Home Scaled and Mayhem Athlete, while the Single Dumbbell Burpee Power Clean is a newer movement.
  • These movements may look very similar but the difference is how the dumbbell finishes. The devil press goes directly from ground to overhead (in 1 fluid motion) while the burpee power clean goes from ground to shoulder in one fluid motion.
  • Whatever dumbbell weight you choose today should allow for steady movement. You should rest very minimally in the bottom of the burpee position.
  • For the runs, aim to stay at or under 30 seconds for every 100m.


  • Run
    • Option 1) For every Run, complete 30 seconds of running no matter the distance
    • Option 2) For every Run, complete 10 second Run, 10 second walk, 10 second Run
    • Option 3) Complete 30 seconds of High Knees or Skipping in Place

Mayhem Moms

3 sets:
10 Alternating Modified Single Arm Dumbbell Devil Press
30 seconds of Controlled Skater Side Jumps or Skipping in Place
10 Alternating Single Dumbbell Burpee Power Clean – modify this the same way you did the devil press (dropping to your knees in the burpee.
30 seconds of Controlled Skater Side Jumps or Skipping in Place
-rest 2:00 between sets-