5:00 Clock
15 Reverse Snow Angels
5 Birddogs (each)
5 Bodyweight Forward Lunges (each side)
5 Single Arm Rows (towel, band or dumbbell) (each)
Athletes Notes
5 minutes to move through this at a steady pace. Not for time.
EMOM 10 Minutes:
Minute 1: 10 Towel Rows or Banded Bent Over Rows
Minute 2: 20-30 seconds Object Farmer Hold OR Dead Hang OR High Plank Hold
Athletes Notes
Demo Videos
- Choose your reps based on what you can do for quality. Keep a clock in front of you so you can see the timing.
- Towel Rows or Banded Bent Over Row
- Object Farmers Carry or Active Dead Hang on Rig or High Plank Hold
Example Flow
Minute 1: 10 Towel Rows or Banded Bent Over Rows
-rest remaining time –
Minute 2: 20-30 seconds Object Farmer Hold OR Dead Hang OR High Plank Hold
-rest remaining time-
Continue for the 10 minute EMOM
3 sets:
20 Alternating Bodyweight Walk Through Lunges* (10 total per leg)
-rest 2:00 between sets-
*Forward + Reverse= 1 rep
Athletes Notes
Workout Strategy and Flow
- This strength piece is great for focusing on good movement patterns! You are stepping forwards and backwards on each rep, so expect your quads and glutes to be on fire!
- Use the rest period to walk around and shake out the legs.
Demo Video
- Bodyweight Walk Through Lunge – these are alternating. 1 rep is forward+reverse.
At the 3,2,1 you will complete 20 Alternating Bodyweight Walk Through Lunges. Once you complete all 20 reps (10 total per side), you will rest 2:00. Continue this pattern for 3 sets.
No substitution needed
No substitution needed
Mayhem Moms
No substitution needed. If balance is a concern, substitute 20 Bodyweight Split Squat (10 per leg)
EMOM 10 Minutes:
Minute 1: 10 Dumbbell Gorilla Rows
Minute 2: 20-30 seconds Dumbbell Farmer Hold OR Dead Hang
Athletes Notes
Demo Videos
Choose your reps based on what you can do for quality. Keep a clock in front of you so you can see the timing.
Example Flow
Minute 1: 10 Dumbbell Gorilla Rows
-rest remaining time-
Minute 2: 20-30 seconds Dumbbell Farmer Hold OR Dead Hang
-rest remaining time-
Continue for the 10 minute EMOM
3 sets:
16 Alternating Single Dumbbell Walk Through Lunges (8 total per leg)
-rest 2:00 between sets
*Forward + Reverse= 1 rep
Athletes Notes
Workout Strategy and Flow
- This strength piece is great for focusing on good movement patterns! You are stepping forwards and backwards on each rep, so expect your quads and glutes to be on fire!
- Use the rest period to walk around and shake out the legs.
Demo Video
- Dumbbell Walk Through Lunge – these are alternating. Forward+reverse = 1 rep.
At the 3,2,1 you will complete 16 Single Dumbbell Walk Through Lunges (8 total per leg). Once you complete all 16 reps, you will rest 2:00. Continue this pattern for 3 sets.
No substitutions needed
No substitutions needed
Mayhem Moms
If balance is a concern, substitute 16 Dumbbell Split Lunge (8 per leg)
2 Rounds:
1:00 Frog Stretch
:30 Alternating Scorpion Stretch
1:00 Camel Pose
Athletes Notes