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“CFA Anywhere” WOD, December 24, 2024

“CFA Anywhere” – Tue, Dec 24

Warm Up

5:00 Clock
20 Reverse Snow Angels
10 Scap Only Push Ups
5 Push Up to Downward Dog
5 Bird Dogs (each)
20 seconds of Box Step Ups

Athletes Notes

5 Minutes to work through as many rounds as you can.

Bodyweight Metcon
Bodyweight: Most Wonderful Time of the Year (3 Rounds for reps)

EMOM 20 Minutes
Minute 1: Max Box Step Ups (24”/20”)
Minute 2: Max Towel Rows or Banded Bent Over Rows or Kipping Pull Ups
Minute 3: Max Pike Push Ups or Banded Strict Press or Kipping Handstand Push Ups
Minute 4: Rest

Athletes Notes


  • Set 1 score : total # of Box Step Ups
  • Set 2 score: total # of Rows/Pull Ups
  • Set 3 score: total # of Pike Push Ups/Strict Press/HSPU

Workout Strategy and Flow


0:00 – 1:00 complete max box step ups
1:00 – 2:00 complete max towel rows
2:00 – 3:00 complete max pike push ups
3:00 – 4:00 rest
4:00 – 8:00 repeat for round 2
8:00 – 12:00 repeat for round 3
12:00 – 16:00 repeat for round 4
16:00 – 20:00 repeat for round 5


  • If you’re traveling and don’t have access to a box or bench then complete Max Alternating Lunge to Hip Extension
  • If you don’t quite feel comfortable being inverted and don’t have access to a band, complete as Plank Shoulder Taps

Backpack Option

EMOM 20 Minutes
Minute 1: Max Backpack Chair Step Ups (24”/20”)
Minute 2: Max Backpack Bent Over Row
Minute 3: Max Backpack Shoulder to Overhead
Minute 4: Rest



EMOM 20 Minutes
Minute 1: Max Step Up to Surface (24”/20”)
Minute 2: Max Crush Grip Object Row
Minute 3: Max Crush Grip Object Strict Press
Minute 4: Rest

Mayhem Moms

EMOM 20 Minutes
Minute 1: Max Box Step Up or Lunge to Hip Extension
Minute 2: Max Towel Rows or Banded Bent Over Row
Minute 3: Max Pike Push Up or Banded Strict Press
Minute 4: Rest

Minimal Metcon
Minimal: Most Wonderful Time of the Year (3 Rounds for reps)

EMOM 20 Minutes
Minute 1: Max Single Dumbbell Box Step Ups (24”/20”) (50/35)
Minute 2: Max Crush Grip Dumbbell Bent Over Rows (50/35)
Minute 3: Max Crush Grip Dumbbell Seated Strict Press (50/35)
Minute 4: Rest

Athletes Notes


  • Set 1 score : total # of DB Box Step Ups
  • Set 2 score: total # of DB Bent Over Rows
  • Set 3 score: total # of DB Strict Presses

Workout Strategy and Flow


  • Super excited for you to get in a sweaty and challenging workout on your Christmas eve. If you are visiting family or have family in town, I encourage you to grab them and have them do this workout (or the bodyweight version) with you.
  • This is a long EMOM today and the goal is to try your best to stay moving for 50-55 seconds of the minute and use 5-10 seconds as rest/transition time.
  • Challenge yourself with the dumbbell weight but also be sure that you don’t choose a weight that you can’t complete all 5 rounds with.
  • Single Dumbbell Box Step Up – this is held any way you’d like.
  • Crush Grip Dumbbell Bent Over Row – gonna get grippy!!!
  • Crush Grip Seated Dumbbell Strict Press – in the video this shows being seated on the ground, you can also choose to sit on your box today!

0:00 – 1:00 complete max single dumbbell box step ups
1:00 – 2:00 complete max crush grip dumbbell bent over rows
2:00 – 3:00 complete max crush grip dumbbell seated strict press
3:00 – 4:00 rest
4:00 – 8:00 repeat for round 2
8:00 – 12:00 repeat for round 3
12:00 – 16:00 repeat for round 4
16:00 – 20:00 repeat for round 5


Mayhem Moms

EMOM 20 Minutes
Minute 1: Max Single Dumbbell Box Step Up —if the box makes you feel unstable, complete as Single Dumbbell Forward Lunges
Minute 2: Max Crush Grip Dumbbell Bent Over Row
Minute 3: Max Crush Grip Seated Dumbbell Strict Press
Minute 4: Rest

Bonus Stretching

1 Minute Easy Walk
:30 Scorpion Stretch Hold (left)
:30 Scorpion Stretch Hold (right)
:30 Seal Stretch
:30 Leaning Child’s Pose (left)
:30 Leaning Child’s Pose (right)

Athletes Notes