5:00 Clock:
20 Tibialis Raises
5 Dynamic Squat Stretches
5 Birddogs (each)
20 second Line Hops or Single Unders
* If doing Strict Pull Ups add this at the end:
2 Rounds of:
10 second Active Deadhang on Rig + 5 Hanging Shrugs + 1 Strict Pull Up
Athletes Notes
- Tibialis Raises – great exercise for strengthening the front muscle of the shin to help prevent knee injuries
- Dynamic Squat Stretch
- Birddog
- If doing strict pull ups: Active Dead Hang on Rig + Hanging Shrugs + Strict Pull Up
3 sets:
Pause Strict Pull Up (2 second pause at top)
-rest 1:30 between sets-
Level 1: 4 reps
Level 2: 6 reps
Level 3: 8 reps
*If you have access to a band and need to use one to do assisted pull ups with the proper tempo, you may!
Dumbbell Alternative: Double Dumbbell Bent Over Row
Bodyweight Alternative: Towel Rows or Banded Rows
SCORE = LEVEL (1, 2, OR 3)
Athletes Notes
Your score should be either 1, 2, or 3 for the level you chose.
For a scaled example: if you do Level 1 reps (4) but you scale the reps to 4 tempo banded strict pull ups, log as a score of 1 “Scaled”.
Demo Videos
You should pause for 2 seconds at the top of each rep. Remember you should be focused on quality movement over quantity or speed.
- Strict Pull Up
- Dumbbell Alternative: Double Dumbbell Bent Over Row
- Bodyweight Alternative: Towel Rows or Banded Bent Over Row
Scaling Options
If you go with level 2, your flow would look like
6 Pause Strict Pull Ups
-rest 1:30-
6 Pause Strict Pull Ups
-rest 1:30-
6 Pause Strict Pull Ups
and your score would be “2”
3 sets:
Towel Rows – pausing for 2 seconds at the top of each rep.
-rest 1:30 between sets-
Mayhem Moms
3 sets:
Pause Towel Rows or Pause Banded Bent Over Row or Banded Strict Pull Ups
-rest 1:30 between sets-
3 Rounds:
100 Line Hops
25 Strict Sit Ups
15 Squat to Overhead Reach
Athletes Notes
Workout Strategy and Flow
- There is no built in rest here so we have to be strategic with how we approach this workout.
- Line Hops – aim to complete these in 2 sets of 50 with 2-4 second rest between. Or if you feel confident hopping for 100 without stopping….do it!!! Just be sure you can go into those strict sit ups pretty quickly
- Strict Sit Up – these are going to be tough because you cannot use momentum, it’s just isolating our core. There are 75 total of these so if you know these are going to really slow you down, plan to do one of our scaled versions below.
- Squat to Overhead Reach – a good goal would be to complete these in 8, quick rest, and then 7. If you feel super confident in this movement, then aim for all 15 without stopping.
- Strict Sit Ups–> Straight Leg Situp or Sit Ups
Backpack Option
3 Rounds:
100 Hops over the Backpack
25 Backpack Sit Up
15 Backpack Thruster
3 Rounds:
100 Object Toe Taps or Step Jacks
25 Quarter Sit Ups
15 Squat to Chair
Mayhem Moms
3 Rounds:
100 Slow and Controlled Line Hops
25 Quarter Sit Ups
15 Squat to Overhead Reach
3 Rounds:
100 Double Unders
25 Strict Sit Ups
10 Dumbbell Thrusters (2×50/35)
Athletes Notes
Workout Strategy and Flow
- There is no built in rest here so we have to be strategic with how we approach this workout.
- Double Unders – should be done in 2 sets of 50. If you have to break it into 3, that’s okay but anything more than that I would recommend you switch to single unders or single under crossovers. Keep the shoulders as relaxed as possible here, especially when completing these after the thrusters.
- Strict Sit Up – these are going to be tough because you cannot use momentum, it’s just isolating our core. There are 75 total of these so if you know these are going to really slow you down, plan to do one of our scaled versions below.
- Dumbbell Thruster – get ready for a ride. Technically the weight you select should allow for 10 thrusters when fresh, however I would recommend doing a set of quick 6 and 4. Choose your weight wisely. You should not have to break up the 10 more than 1 time.
- Jump Rope – for your calves’ sake, if you cannot complete this many double unders in a workout, scale to 1.5x the amount of Single Unders (instead of 2x). So it would be 150 Single Unders. Or you can complete as 100 Crossovers – Single Under
- Strict Sit Ups–> Straight Leg Situp or Sit Ups
Mayhem Moms
3 Rounds:
100 Slow and Controlled Line Hops
25 Quarter Sit Ups
10 Dumbbell Thruster – if needed you can scale this to Dumbbell Front Squats