5:00 Clock
10 Reverse Snow Angels
10 Prone Y Raises
5 Push Ups to Downward Dog (pause for 2 seconds in downward dog)
5 Bodyweight Single Leg RDLs (each) or Single Dumbbell Power Clean
1 Wall Walk
Athletes Notes
3 sets:
6 Tempo Push Up into “X” Perfect Wall Walk
-rest 1:00 between sets-
Set 1: 3 Perfect Wall Walks
Set 2: 2 Perfect Wall Walks
Set 1: 1 Perfect Wall Walk
*tempo @2121
Athletes Notes
- Score with an emoji
Demo Videos
- Similar to what the November 9, 2024 was but this time it will be different perfect wall walk reps.
- Push Ups
- scale to Incline Push Ups or Knee Push Ups
2 seconds down, 1 second pause at bottom, 2 seconds up, 1 second pause at the top
- Wall Walk – this is your chance to make this wall walk PERFECT. Watch this Coaching Cue video from Coach Pamela Gagnon for tips on making this movement efficient: Wall Walks Cues & Scaling
6 Tempo Push Up into 3 Perfect Wall Walk
-rest 1:00-
6 Tempo Push Up into 2 Perfect Wall Walk
-rest 1:00-
6 Tempo Push Up into 1 Perfect Wall Walk
3 sets
6 Slow Elevated Knee Push Ups into 1 Perfect Modified Inchworm
-rest 1:00 between sets-
*reps will stay the same for you all
Mayhem Moms
3 sets:
6 Tempo Incline Push Ups or Knee Push Ups into “x” Perfect Wall Walk OR Elevated Box Walks
-rest 1:00 between sets-
Set 1: 3 Perfect Wall Walks
Set 2: 2 Perfect Wall Walks
Set 1: 1 Perfect Wall Walk
For Time
Single Leg Bodyweight RDLs (each)
Pike Push Ups (or Kipping Handstand Push Ups)
Athletes Notes
Workout Strategy and Flow
- 45 total reps of each movement here. Be VERY careful that you don’t start out too hot since the reps start low…they build and if you aren’t careful they will crush you (especially on the pike push up/kipping handstand push ups)
- Bodyweight Single Leg RDL – smooth is fast here.
- Pike Push Up or Kipping Handstand Push Up – a good strategy for this might be quick sets of 3 all the way through….even if you know you can bust out the 6 and 9 unbroken…it could cause you to struggle on the 12 and 15. Find what works best for YOU.
3 Single Leg RDLs (left), 3 Single Leg RDLs (right), 3 Pike Push Ups,
6 Single Leg RDLs (left), 6 Single Leg RDLs (right), 6 Pike Push Ups,
9 Single Leg RDLs (left), 9 Single Leg RDLs (right), 9 Pike Push Ups….and so on
- Pike Push Ups –> Complete as 2x the Pike Shrugs. This is a great opportunity to strengthen the shoulders and practice being inverted. You can even scale these up a notch and do them as Box Handstand Shrugs
- If you really don’t feel confident doing this, then you can complete as Crush Grip Object Strict Press or Hand Release Push Ups or Knee Push Ups
Backpack Option
For Time
Backpack Power Clean (no jerk)
Backpack Shoulder to Overhead
For Time
Wall Assisted Single Leg RDL (each)
Crush Grip Object Strict Press
Mayhem Moms
For Time
Bodyweight Single Leg RDL(each)
Pike Push Up or 2x Pike Shrugs
For Time
Dumbbell Power Cleans (2×50/35)
Dumbbell Push Press (2×50/35)
Athletes Notes
Workout Strategy and Flow
- 45 total reps today. It’s going to be a fast one and a grippy one…..BUT Don’t get sucked into the idea that you should sprint this one from the start.
- This can be a bit deceptive since you start with easy 3,6,9 reps. But if you come out too fast, you may not be able to hold on for the 12 and 15 rounds.
- The goal here should be that you can plan accordingly to go straight from your final power clean up on the shoulders and into your push presses. Just like we did when we worked on Dumbbell DT, we want to be sure we aren’t giving ourselves extra work. So if you need to break in the set of 12, set the dumbbells down on rep 11 then rest quickly. When you go to do your final 12th rep, you can then go straight from the top of the power clean into the push presses.
- The same dumbbell weight should be used for both the Dumbbell Power Clean AND the Dumbbell Push Press
Mayhem Moms
If you don’t feel confident completing the workout as written, you can try this version to allow for slightly less high intensity and more core control.
For Time
Dumbbell Power Clean
Dumbbell Strict Press
2 Rounds:
1:00 Frog Stretch
:30 Alternating Scorpion Stretch
1:00 Camel Pose
Athletes Notes