20 seconds of Standing Marches
20 seconds of Jumping Jacks
20 seconds of Cat Cow
Athletes Notes
AMRAP 7 Minutes
20 Tibialis Raises
6 Hamstring Scoop Stretches (each)
6 Elbow to Floor with Rotation (each)
6 Thread the Needle (each)
3 PERFECT Hand Release Push Ups
30 second Jog (get a bit faster each round)
Athletes Notes
- Tibialis Raises – great exercise for strengthening the front muscle of the shin. This is a great exercise to help prevent knee injuries
- Hamstring Scoop Stretch
- Elbow to Floor Stretch with Rotation
- Thread the Needle
- Hand Release Push Ups – WITH PERFECT FORM!
3 sets: 1 set every 6 Minutes
10 Burpees
200m Run
30 Bodyweight Walking Lunges
200m Run
10 Burpees
Athletes Notes
Workout Strategy and Flow
- You should have at least 90 seconds – 2 minutes of rest each set.
- Burpees – smooth and steady, it’s only 10 at a time, but we don’t want to go so fast that we spike our heart rate and have difficulty in the run. We can push the speed a bit more in the final 10 because we will get a good bit of time to rest after.
- Run – Aim for around 1 minute pace times for the 200s. Control your breathing here.
- Bodyweight Walking Lunge – as soon as you finish the run, walk it out right into your walking lunge steps. You shouldn’t need to take too many breaks but if you need to take a quick pause at the halfway point and shake those legs out, then go for it. Then once that 30th rep is complete go right back into the next run.
0:00 – 6:00 Complete 10 Burpees, 200m Run, 30 Bodyweight Walking Lunges, 200m Run, 10 Burpees….rest in the time remaining.
6:00 – 12:00 Repeat for set 2, rest in the time remaining.
12:00 – 18:00 Repeat for set 3
- Run -→
- Option 1) Run for 1 minute, no matter the distance
- Option 2) Complete 20 seconds of running, 20 seconds of walking, 20 seconds of running.
- Option 3) Complete 1 minute of High Knees
Backpack Option
3 sets: 1 set every 6 Minutes
10 Backpack Lateral Burpees
200m Backpack Run
30 Backpack Walking Lunges
200m Backpack Run
10 Backpack Lateral Burpees
3 sets: 1 set every 6 Minutes
10 Elevated Up Down with Jump
1 minute of Standing Marches
20 Wall Assisted Step Back Lunges
1 minute of Standing Marches
10 Elevated Up Down with Jump
Mayhem Moms
3 sets: 1 set every 6 Minutes
10 Modified Burpees
1 minute of Controlled High Knees to Lateral Shuffle
30 Bodyweight Walking Lunge
1 minute of Controlled High Knees to Lateral Shuffle
10 Modified Burpees
1 Minute Walk
:30 Couch Stretch (right)
:30 Couch Stretch (left)
:30 Crossleg Forward Fold (right)
:30 Crossleg Forward Fold (left)
-repeat stretches if you have time-
Athletes Notes