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“CFA Anywhere” WOD, August 16, 2024

“CFA Anywhere” – Fri, Aug 16

Warm Up

3 rounds
10 Front to Back Leg Swings (each)
25ft Walk Forwards on Toes
25ft Walk Backwards on Toes
25ft Walking Hamstring Stretch
25ft Samson Lunge Stretch
25ft Bunny Hops

…then into..

2 Rounds:
5 Box Step Ups (each)
5 Tuck Ups (or the version you are doing in the workout)

Athletes Notes

Bodyweight Metcon
Bodyweight: “We’ve got a dollar! Hey hey hey!” (3 Rounds for reps)

Complete at Moderate Intensity
3 sets:
AMRAP 3 Minutes
15 Box Step Ups (Left) (24”/20”)
15 Box Step Ups (Right) (24”/20”)
30 Tuck Ups
30 Heel Taps (L+R=1)
Max Wall Sit in Time Remaining

-rest 2:00 between sets-

*Score = Time accumulated in wall sit each set.

Athletes Notes


  • Score each set = Time accumulated in wall sit each set.

Workout Strategy and Flow

  • We should be completing this at a moderate intensity. Aim to be consistently moving for the entire time and get a solid sweat session in with quality movement. Rather than yesterday where our focus was speed.
  • Aim to have at least 30-60 seconds to accumulate time in the wall sit. If you aren’t having at least 30 seconds, then you should scale back either the reps or the weight to ensure you can have that.
  • Box Step Up – You must complete all 15 on one leg before switching to the next. The box height should allow for steady, quality movement where you can complete it while maintaining control of your breathing.
  • Tuck Ups: this is a fun change up of core. We don’t see these often, you will likely feel a burn in the hip flexors as well from this movement. If you need to scale to Modified Tuck Ups with your hands anchored on the ground.
  • Heel Taps – finish out the core part of this set strong. The left side + the right side is 1 rep.
  • Wall Sit – Seated with your back flat against the wall and your legs as a 90 degree. The only score that will count is going to be the time accumulated in the wall sit.
    • If you have 60 seconds and have to stand up to shake the legs out halfway, you are only counting the time you were actually seated in the wall sit. It’s important to make the most out of your time there.
    • Sing a song, recite the alphabet, anything you can do to take your mind off of it and just fight for as many seconds as you can. 🙂

0:00 – 3:00 Complete 15 Box Step ups on the left side, 15 box step ups on the right side, 30 tuck ups, 30 heel taps and in the time remaining complete a wall sit for max time accumulated.
3:00 – 5:00 Rest
5:00 – 8:00 Repeat for set 2
8:00 – 10:00 Rest
10:00 – 13:00 Repeat for set 3




3 sets:
AMRAP 3 Minutes
15 Step Up to Surface (left)
15 Step Up to Surface (right)
10 Modified Bicycle Kick (each)
20 Heel Taps (L+R=1)
Max 45 degree wall sit in time remaining

-rest 2:00 between sets-

Mayhem Moms

Complete at Moderate Intensity
3 sets:
AMRAP 3 Minutes
15 Box Step Up (Left) or 15 Lunge to Hip Extension
15 Box Step Up (Right) or 15 Lunge to Hip Extension
15 Modified Bicycle Kick (each)
30 Heel Taps (L+R=1)
Max Wall Sit in time remaining

-rest 2:00 between sets-

Minimal Metcon
Minimal: “We’ve got a dollar! Hey hey hey!” (3 Rounds for reps)

Complete at Moderate Intensity
3 sets:
AMRAP 3 Minutes
10 Single Dumbbell Box Step Ups (Left) (24”/20”) (50/35)
10 Single Dumbbell Box Step Ups (Right) (24”/20”) (50/35)
30 Tuck Ups
30 Heel Taps (L+R=1)
Max Wall Sit in Time Remaining

-rest 2:00 between sets-

*Score = Time accumulated in wall sit each set.

Athletes Notes


  • Score each set = Time accumulated in wall sit each set.

Workout Strategy and Flow

  • We should be completing this at a moderate intensity. Aim to be consistently moving for the entire time and get a solid sweat session in with quality movement. Rather than yesterday where our focus was speed.
  • Aim to have at least 30-60 seconds to accumulate time in the wall sit. If you aren’t having at least 30 seconds, then you should scale back either the reps or the weight to ensure you can have that.
  • Single Dumbbell Box Step Up – The dumbbell may be held any way. You must complete all 10 on one leg before switching to the next. The weight and box height should allow for steady, quality movement. That you can complete while maintaining control of your breathing.
  • Tuck Ups: this is a fun change up of core. We don’t see these often, you will likely feel a burn in the hip flexors as well from this movement. If you need to scale to Modified Tuck Ups with your hands anchored on the ground.
  • Heel Taps – finish out the core part of this set strong. The left side + the right side is 1 rep.
  • Wall Sit – Seated with your back flat against the wall and your legs as a 90 degree. The only score that will count is going to be the time accumulated in the wall sit.
    • If you have 60 seconds and have to stand up to shake the legs out halfway, you are only counting the time you were actually seated in the wall sit. It’s important to make the most out of your time there.
    • Sing a song, recite the alphabet, anything you can do to take your mind off of it and just fight for as many seconds as you can. 🙂

0:00 – 3:00 Complete 10 Single Dumbbell Box Step ups on the left side, 10 Single Dumbbell Box Step ups on the right side, 30 tuck ups, 30 heel taps and in the time remaining complete a wall sit for max time accumulated.
3:00 – 5:00 Rest
5:00 – 8:00 Repeat for set 2
8:00 – 10:00 Rest
10:00 – 13:00 Repeat for set 3



Mayhem Moms

Complete at Moderate Intensity
3 sets:
AMRAP 3 Minutes
10 Single Dumbbell Box Step Up (Left) or 10 Lunge to Hip Extension
10 Single Dumbbell Box Step Up (Right) or 10 Lunge to Hip Extension
15 Modified Bicycle Kick (each)
30 Heel Taps (L+R=1)
Max Wall Sit in Time Remaining

-rest 2:00 between sets-

Bodyweight + Minimal: Optional Finisher (Checkmark)

2 sets:
Bicep Curl 21s (Towel, Banded, or Crush Grip Dumbbell)
-rest 2:00-

Athletes Notes

Demo Video


Complete all 21 without setting the towel/band/dumbbell down

  • rest for 2:00 –

Repeat for another set of 21 without setting the towel/band/dumbbell down

Backpack Option

You can complete this with a backpack as well!

Scaled or Mayhem Moms

No modification here

Cool Down

1:00 Pigeon Stretch on Box (each)
1:00 Couch Stretch (each)
1:00 Seal Stretch

Athletes Notes