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CrossFit WOD, January 9, 2020

9 Jan 2020

1 Power Snatch + 2 Snatches (E2M 2 sets @75-80% of 1RM; 3 sets @80-85%)
Perform one power snatch and then two squat snatches. They do not have to be TNG.

Metcon (Time)
Part 1
3 Power Cleans (135/95) [115/75]
6 Wallballs (20/14)

Rest 3 Minutes then

Part 2
Now do your score from Part 1 as fast as possible; so if you got 10+12 you’ll do 10 rounds and 12 reps AFAP

You need to choose a weight for the first part that allows you to get at least 9 Rounds. For Part 2 you will use the same weight and this time it’s for time.

TOTAL TIME TO COMPLETE everything, including the rest, is 15 Minutes